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Everything posted by dancinmoonlight

  1. OoOoOooO i wanna be the crowd and family members
  2. *sees other guy and goes up to him and talks* hi my name is moonlight whats yours? oh and i got some tools for a boat i made a pirate ship before and a high tech one but yea here you go *gives him some tools*
  3. ( AHAHHAHA TWLIGHT TOWN IN THE USA k tht made me laugh ) *just sits in the dark room and hums the twlight theme song* hey kid your in here for a reason said the unknow guy. *sky looks at him* are we going somewhere? yes says the unknown man, *he puts his hand out and sky grabs and holds on to his hand and they disapper into a different world* (its hollow bastion in tht room where its like aqua's armor is at in hollow bastion * where are we sir said sky. well sky your answers are here *sky holds the unknown mans hand and walks into the big room and sits in the chair and looks around* now just goto sleep and realx *sky falls fast asleep and dreams* all righty now the memroies will begin soon said the unknow guy.
  4. Coded i remember when me and koko talked 2 u ur a good voice actor u need 2 read me books
  5. Awwwww i miss him and we would caht everyday litterally and we did an RP together and its not finshed but i cant wait 2 see him
  6. Awww dude i remember we chated once and ur very nice but oh well have a great life and hopfully we go some where when we die and ill get 2 see u their
  7. yea all true but still i hope it will not ever happen
  8. Hmmmmm 1: being buried alive 2: zombies came to life 3: with all things became bad and 4: creepy ass stuff coming alive
  9. Hmmmmmm well you never know kiddo some SCI FI stuff has come real so you never know O.o
  10. Lol xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but still cellar acts werid O.o
  11. Hi am Dancinmoonlight you can call me moonlight or what ever you want with you need anyone to talk to you can talk to me ok cause ive talked to people about their problems and they said thanks and stuff
  12. Hmmm i honstely dont know with am straight biosexual gay or trisexual (means you like male female and animal) i dont know but i guess i will soon find out
  13. Why oh why are you under the assumption that because he's Bi he wants to hit on you simply because you have male Organs? He's your friend dude, he won't come anywhere near you with that, stop being paranoid. Contrary to heterosexual belief, gays/bi's do NOT want to sleep with you simply because you're male. This means nothing, I hit on my straight friends all of the time, he's most likely trying to scare you. Oh yea touching my ass and saying wanna go tonight is a real joke huh no he isnt geez you people dont understand expect my gaurdian angel koko
  14. SISSY! *hugs u* ive been good ^__^ i missed ya welcome back :DDD
  15. Yup yup so thats why with it did happen it will only be at one place and then end and will never come back
  16. Ok so Lady Koko is my guardian angel why you say???? 1: she's always their for me and wont let me get hurt. 2: She's great to talk to about anything and i mean Anything And 3: with you hate her go away and goto your emo hideout because she is so awesome
  17. Fixed! ;D > RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *jumps on ur back and pops open ur head* POP A GLOB B@^%*(!!!!!
  18. Hey yea good luck cause i know a guy who is bioseuxal in real life and i dont know with ill say ok ill go out with you because i dont know with am straight,gay, or biosexual, or trisexual( means u like male female and animals)
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