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Everything posted by dancinmoonlight

  1. Oh my gawd dude I miss you remember me TT.TT

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dancinmoonlight
    3. Junko


      yeah. i have good long term memory

    4. dancinmoonlight


      Me too..We should skype sometime -3-

  2. Hey ho so with for the people who do remember me, I MISSED YOU GUYS!! , For the people who don't then hello ^_^, Well my name is Zach but you can call me dancin, dance,moon, whatever you want :]. But I am really excited about coming back here. So wish me luck!
  3. I'm back bitchies <3



      Hoho I see ;D

    2. Weedanort




      Welcome back :D

  4. I don't think anyone remembers me because I was gone for a while but with this is your first time meeting me my name is zach, I LOVE to draw,travel,cook,and help. My future job is to be an Artist While learning languages. The reason why I havent been on is because I've been in the hospital because of my chemcials in my body were high and cause me big depression, it lead me to cutting myself and trying to hurt myself, I've almost killed myself four times and I regret it but I couldn't stop myself I honestly hate it. The doctors at the hospital Are still trying to figure out what is wrong with me, oh well guess I'm just "Special".
  5. A party going to my cousins house their gonna invite their neighbors, gonna record the drunkies and send them off to youtube So ya
  6. While Sky is hipnotsied he is thinking about the memories so much that he snaps out of confusion and he looks around. WHAT THE HECK!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME! Sky sees a window, a ha! I could break the window! Sky grabs his wand and says STUPIDFY, the window reflects it and sky dodges because he didn't want to get hurt. Well lets try this again! STUPIDFY, it does the same thing, Huh I guess the only way is to run out of the window! Sky gets ready to jump out of it, OK on 3, 1,2,3!!! Sky jumps out of the window but then he comes out of a door, (Its just like Portal 2) Huh he says. What the!? So he looks back and sees the room he was prisoned in. Huh so I must be in a dungeon! Sky puts his wand up by him closely because he never knows what may happen. So as sky is walking he shivers, H-h-h-how am i-i co-co-cold. He sees a Dementor, AHHH WHAT IS THAT THING!! The dementor looks at him all creepy and he tries to suck his soul out but luckly sky can run so fast when he is scared. Sky outruns the dementor but.... Uh oh crap I peeded my pants T_T, but meanwhile with travis and dumbledore....
  7. Yup I remeber you so how's it been?
  8. Hi i dont remember you did you change your username..?
  9. Mean while, Sky is just looking again dead on the floor but then memories goes into his head about his friend Travis,the school, and Dumbledore. Oh Sky once you get out of that spell you will become one of us he says. So once your out of that spell you will become one of my treasures in this cruel cruel world.
  10. Character Sheet: Character Name: Peter Pan Disney Classic:Peter Pan Picture of Character: "XEVEEMON IS PARTY ROCKING!!!!!"
  11. As sky is hipnotised he just stands their looking at the ground.. Ahh my spell has made him hipnotised he says. Well i guess i must go and recreate my army of passes. Sky just looks at the floor looking like he is dead or crazy in the head. Meanwhile in Twlight Town...
  12. (This RP stopped cause I was away. But now since I'm back, me and Sora's Little Helper decided to continue this RP) As sky was dreaming he wakes up by memories. Ahh he yells, oh where is travis,dumbledore, and the school!?!? The mysterious shadow man shows up. Ahh child don't be sad your all right... he says. But i want to go sky says. No! now i guess i will have to make you under my spell wont i?! The mysterious shadow man whispers in skys ear and says. Just know who you really are...................... Sky's eyes begin to turn to his normal color but fully blue eyes and now he is hipnotised.
  13. Am some person who are you xeveemon?
  14. Am back... Hey i missed all of you guys so hows it been..?
  15. Am back....

    1. 4Everbee


      ...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! firetruck firetruck firetruckY firetruck!!!

    2. 4Everbee
  16. Ok so am back on kh13 but before i was gone i was grounded from the internet.. and so then i had to play a save game so i just picked a game from when i was a kid caleld wizard101 then this guy who was a good friend on their told me a dude was on my account hacking and that he told my friend that he was watching me irl and my sister that he wanted to kill me. but hurt first... so i got hacked on my wizard101 and its not working and am so scared i might as well be going mad and crazy..
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6wsQDo0cRE HAHAHAHAHAHA MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD
  18. Uh 20th wow and i think they should make kh3 sometime soon wait its not the 20th the first game came out in 2002 by 2010 its gonna be the 10th woowq
  19. King:terra Queen:Aqua Prince:Ven Princess:Kairi Royal servent: Sora Ven would make a good match for terra and aqua's kid then sora aqnd kairi get married while do their sercect love romance and kairi would either be in a dress with a keyblade bitchaz then kairi and sora would have a kid then sora would be a dutch maybe? idk haha
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