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Everything posted by ssceles

  1. I like "betsuni" (別に), it means nothing.Typically you'll hear it in anime when people ask others for clarification "what did you say?" and they mutter under their breath "nothing".
  2. I plan on getting it right away. I wanted it immediately when I saw the Japanese post about it weeks ago, so I've been saving up. I'd sooner get a Heartless plushie than a Wonder Meow. Maybe if they'd made a Necho Cat I would have it... I'd also get a Flood Unversed. Or a Hareraiser.
  3. Lol, Japan has a strange sense of what "child-friendly" even means. An attempt was made. Heck, I enjoyed Digimon and I like the SMT series otherwise... I'd pirate it just to curiously watch it. But seriously, it's not the next anything. I mean, even Monster Rancher had a better run and barely anyone remembers that.
  4. For a good review of the series on a whole before it was "child-friendly" (hint: its never going to make it over seas, it failed years ago), and then a review of the first episode, check out this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSQ657XMEq0
  5. Nope. Although the Final Fantasy name comes with a certain expectation of quality plot and storyline, some of the games are quite aged now. Although I'm sure each has it's merits, I've not bothered to play anything that hasn't had Cloud in at least a cameo role. They keep saying they won't remake 7 until they know the series is dead so as not to detract from sales... but it's seriously not a series. It's a bunch of unrelated titles given an unoriginal name and a number. Holding off on remaking 7 isn't going to make me buy games for systems I don't own any faster. I mean, seriously, Nomura had his staff remake Kingdom Hearts' Chain of Memories. They had to pull people off other projects for that. It's kind of ridiculous to think about, that Kingdom Hearts gets a reboot of a game barely anyone played (and the remake wasn't even ported outside Japan and the US - leaving Europe and Australia and anywhere else that wanted it out of luck) and yet we can't get a remake of a game whose compilation has a considerably large number of fans that aren't so into the other Final Fantasy titles.
  6. Great job! I'd love to see more... Perhaps small things can be revealed and clarified in this way. I always do enjoy reading translated novel excerpts. Interpretation of scenes can change based on how much the viewer knows, but in written form, things are said in an obvious way what is going on. I like how Riku seemed to comprehend the conversation where Sora didn't. He was probably thinking 'truths like that are the sort of thing I would seek out myself'.
  7. Yeah, it's hard to juggle time between games. It's why I never played WoW as hardcore as everyone else. I'd play for three months, and then stop for three months and not let myself get back into again until later. Saved me money because it was a pay-to-play game, but it would have been a lot harder to stop if it were free. But if it were free, I wouldn't feel bad about stopping to play other games. I wouldn't feel I was missing too much, it'd all still be there when I got back... even if it meant catching up in level to friends I made in-game.
  8. MMOs are different from other games because of their social nature. There's a good bit of time spent standing around admiring people who have better stuff than you - their armor is cool, their mount is cool, their pet is cool - and then you want to invest time into getting cool things so people stare at you, too. But that's not all. MMOs can also end up being longer than normal games... and ongoing! Games like these are constantly getting updated with patches, providing new content every couple of months. It'll take a lot longer to feel like you've done everything you can possibly do. Sometimes that involves teamwork - with other players, strangers even. You mentioned time and commitment... but not cost. There are plenty of free (and therefore very casual) MMOs out there. People can put it down and come back to it at their own pace, and they don't feel obligated to play often to get their money's worth... because it's free! So you're automatically surrounded by people who don't feel obligated to play as often or as hardcore because of monetary reasons if you pick a free-to-play game. But if there are paying players, there will always be elitists who take these games very seriously.I've played World of Warcraft since 2005. Did I play it all the time? Did I renew my subscription and pay for it even when I knew I wouldn't have to be playing, or shouldn't be playing so much? No. I'm a casual player with only one max level character. I've been around just as long as other people, I just don't take it seriously. I only pay for it when I have time to play, but I play hard when I am paying for it. You mentioned being a completionist - oh man - do these games have things to offer you in the way of that. In WoW, I've collected over 100 mounts and got awarded with a really cool one. It wasn't an easy feat and it took a long time to do - which made it fun, challenging, and absolutely aggravating. edit: For a little more insight to WoW specifically, there are factions which require you to raise your reputation with them if you want to collect things from them only they have to offer - specific mounts, pets, armor, etc. Some of it comes down to luck instead, and some mounts, pets, armor, etc only comes from certain boss-level enemies in dungeons with only a percent change that you'll get that item when you defeat them. Whether it's time spent or it's luck, anyone else who cares will be able to identify 'oh hey, that player did that!' just by looking at you riding around on a really cool phoenix or something. And if they don't know, often they'll ask 'wow, where did you get that?' and it leaves you with a superior feeling... stuff you don't get playing alone.
  9. And yet they ignored games we've been asking for over the last decade: A FF7 remake, anyone? As annoying as the fanboys are, you know that it would sell. The main reason why Kingdom Hearts has been a drain on their pockets is because not everyone can get their hands on these various game devices, especially the young people the series is geared towards. Even official sources inaccurately label some of the games as 'side games' or 'spin offs' when they're solid parts of the plot that need to be understood to move forward with the series. If they would have just stuck to one console instead of experimenting with each new system, they would have been golden. But, oh, I'm sorry, I haven't bought a single -new- Square Enix game that wasn't Kingdom Hearts or FF7 related in someway. Maybe I'm not in the majority here, but then again, I can't name a single one of my friends who has, either. Many of my friends have purchased used games second hand, but never on the initial release. Most of the profits from resales go directly into the game stores redistributing the games, so profits lost? Yes.
  10. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Enjoy your stay. Once you've played KH3D, be sure to remember to drop by so we can all discuss it~
  11. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png Just one more person to laugh at when they're utterly confused when KH3 comes out and they have no idea what's happening in the plot.
  12. I'll remember this next time I find inaccurate or out-dated information, or something cross-referenced improperly. Usually I just let it go, but if you need help finding those sorts of things, I'll think about it. I've never edited any form of wikia, so I'm hesitant to say I'll join.
  13. Ya, it pretty much gets explained in-game why we have a little!nort in KH3D, don't worry. We'll all have fun theorizing the fine details of it later.
  14. 24, actually. Which only makes him over two years old than me. But, yeah... it's not his fault that nearly a decade has passed. I know you Europeans missed out on re:CoM, but those of us over in the states who have already played that are used to his voice being like this.
  15. I'm kind of saddened by the lack of videos. No one recording even made it to the end of Traverse Town with both Sora AND Riku. At least... no one I can find.
  16. Noctis is cool. Otherwise, it's a whole lot of flop. I'm not really interested in 'XIII' or 'versus' anything, I just think Noctis looks pretty. Would I have played it? Nope. Did any of my friends even like the original XIII? Nope. They beat it in two days tops and it's been collecting dust ever since: 'More of a movie than a game.' they said. I'm hoping they can find some other way to resurrect their overall designs in some other form later. It is, I admit, a pity. But let's face it. We all know what we really want: that darn Final Fantasy 7 remake. Amirite?
  17. ^ I just saw that last one. It gets farther than the others by a bit, and finishes up Sora's side, but leaves Riku's end hanging, for now.
  18. ^ This. I don't see any actual spoilers in this thread.
  19. I have no idea what they're holding out for. What is their ideal 10? If Square didn't deliver it with this, it's simply not coming to this platform. This is a massive improvement over the last titles they had to suffer on through Nintendo. We aren't getting graphics better than this. We aren't getting more immersive worlds than this. Trouble interacting with the environment? Sounds like a player problem to me, not their coding. Their coding is flawless, the reviewer's hands just couldn't keep up with perfection.
  20. ......so not only does he not shut up, he skips through the scenes. This was definitely a waste of my time. So some french guy has it early: Don't worry, he clearly isn't into the series and doesn't fully appreciate the glory of what he's messing with.
  21. I'm tempted to wait until the 3DS prices drop when the XL 3DS comes out... but I can't contain myself that long.
  22. Did it happen out of nowhere or did he hit his head or his he old? If he's young, it could be a genetic problem, and then there's really nothing you can do but keep him happy. It's summer, so just make sure he stays cool and has water. ;w; If he's not eating normal rabbit food, try lettuce? It's surprisingly not very nutritious, but it is very moist and it may help, somehow. I used to have bunnies growing up.
  23. .........what? First they decide not to give Spanish subtitles and then they decide not to distribute in Spain at all? What the-- *shakes head* What has Spain done to deserve this nonsense? What about all of Latin America that also doesn't get a version in with Spanish subtitles? Are they WANTING people to go download bootleg copies to shove onto acekards with fan-inserted subtitles? Because that's EXACTLY what they're creating a DEMAND for. And I'm damn sure it won't take more than a few months to do, especially when I think of certain fans out there who did a lot of awesome early Birth by Sleep subtitling. I know it's a different system and a different format to work with, but once they've found a way in, they'll certainly do it. =/
  24. I've got three pages of people who followed my link but only one has a username next to it. And yet I've got at least two other people who said they signed up for me who aren't on that list. =/ I suppose there's nothing that can be done about it, and I bet these people just strayed away from my referral link to check out the site before actually signing up, and so when they did, the referral was no longer in the url. Bugger.
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