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Everything posted by ssceles

  1. If I wanted to merely watch them, I have my PSP for Birth by Sleep and theater mode for re:CoM. Anything else, I rely on YouTube - because most of KH1 and KH2 aren't up yet here. I download them so I can use them. It saves me the trouble of getting off my lazy butt and recording things myself.
  2. I can understand how we, as a site, are not quite worth sitting down and having dinner and a milkshake with. ^^; Especially when there's no food and no milkshake and the only true payoff is smiles... and those ads. It's hard work running a site and you put so much time into it - and it looks great. I've got Google Chrome and I leave it in my top six on my homepage so I can check for news and save myself the two seconds it'd take me to actually type the site in case, heaven forbid, I'm missing a scene I need to make an AMV. This is now my favorite KH site, and a great combo of the other KH sites I used to visit with a bunch of new features to boot. *thumbs up* And because you do such an amazing job looking out for us, I was looking out for you with the ads in mind. I really like the front page how it is. I'm not a forum-friendly person most places, but having updates there of recent posts keeps me active. No matter what, ever, I want that staying. You're doing really well tiding the whole KH crowd over until real news picks back up again. Instead of visiting a handful sites, I just visit here. When the news picks up again, I'll be all over the place again, because I like being on top of things. *has no life*
  3. As awesome as banners are... ...look at that giant ad we have at the top of the page. It's like having an ad but not having an ad. In fact, I've never taken a good look to even notice its existence. It's a well placed ad. Well placed as in 'the ad revenue people think its great but the users barely notice it'. I mean... where is that going to go? Can we get smaller ads... elsewhere? Does the site get less money from smaller ads? We also have a large ad sitting at the bottom of the page... *cough* Ok, wait, no, what's that even matter? Psssh... you don't need income from ads. I mean, yeah, hosting costs... (about as much as dinner at a restaurant once every three months). But, about those ads, how much are you even getting? Rhetorical question. I can understand if getting rid of that one ad at the top of the page in favor of a banner isn't a big deal - in fact, that's great! I'll look forward to a banner.
  4. They're literally extensions of himself. I don't think he can just turn people into himself (unless, you mean just taking their emotions, person still left behind to regrow new emotions later). I think messing with people's emotions is a good way to get the Heartless stirred up, though. As a precursor to the later events, I think the damage Vanitas did set up the worlds to be easy targets. I don't think he actually killed anyone, just weakened their hearts. Interestingly, being an emotion eater isn't a new thing. It has its own trope page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EmotionEater Lastly, the remnant thing is just a common thing with this series and not necessarily tied into 'canon' - Terra's armor, in KH2FM is a remnant (per the Japanese using the word 'sentiment' instead of 'remnant' in both Terra's case and in Vanitas'). The absent silhouettes of Organization XIII in KH2FM, the early members, are also remnants, although instead of using armor to hold their identities, I'm pretty sure its contained within their weapons. There's no real rhyme or reason for them to be there other than to spice the game, and their existence may not be 'canon'.
  5. I've got a lot of videos from here, YouTube, and two other sites - but I love videos from here for their quality and the fact they're segmented into parts. It's easier to find just what I'm looking for rather than having to download a whole world's worth of footage. I'd totally be interested in getting my hands on better copies of footage from the original games. And, particularly, high quality versions of new the scenes in KH2FM, if possible. I don't see any of the new scenes up here at all, and most of the other sources I have are majorly lacking in quality.
  6. Not to mention the fact it has to be released in Japan first and then its going to take at least six months to localize it for international distribution... If they get a fall release, and they won't, its much too soon - expect us to get it in early spring. If they get an early spring release, which is very likely, we won't get it until next fall. Enough said.
  7. Braig, Even, Ienzo and Isa. Braig for plot reasons. He knows too much. Even because I love him so much for I have no idea what reason. Ienzo... because that poor kid didn't really get a chance to actually live a normal life. He's been a Nobody for half is life. Isa... because I think there's more going on there than I think we know about so far. And its not that I don't like the others or that I have anything against Lea-Axel. I feel bad enough Axel and Roxas didn't get their time together. But it'd be too odd for Ven to come back and be friends with Lea. Ven's ten years older than Roxas and if that's not awkward enough, he's a totally different person, personality-wise. Even if he had Roxas' memories, he wouldn't pick up Roxas' life. Lea would pick up Axel's, because that's all who he's ever been. Sure, Lea and Ven could be friends, but the friend that Axel knew is far from the person that Ven -is-..
  8. *grimace* ..... ...well maybe KH3DS is not on the list because its just going to be trailer (possibly even in a closed theater again). Either that, or, they feel like treating it as such a secret they don't even want to mention it? I mean, I'm sure it wasn't on the list at last year's E3, but they got a trailer anyway. We didn't actually get to see the trailer until many months later. It's kind of like how some of us knew about Birth by Sleep 3+ years before it came out. We got a lot of early trailers shown at convention spaces like these that weren't on any official line up. Those trailers had footage that didn't even make it into the final cut. So... don't give up hope so soon, guys!
  9. I tried it and never went back. Firefox is slow in comparison. Sadly, I'm having trouble downloading Chrome onto my old desktop PC. It doesn't seem to like it, only my laptops (which are Vista and Windows 7) could run the install whatsoever, running it on my just made it crash. T_T But that isn't to say Firefox doesn't have its redeeming qualities - including customizable backgrounds for the toolbars and all that neat stuff, whereas, in Chrome, its so minimal, you simply don't have a zillion toolbars you don't need. Firefox also has lots extensions/add-ons, like greasemonkey, which don't quite have Chrome counterparts yet. I also use Firefox with TOR for anonymous surfing and hiding my IP address. I do not intend to touch Internet Explorer again, despite promises of improvement. Sorry, trusting Microsoft to be independently secure just isn't something I feel doing.
  10. Nice to officially 'meet' you, too. (I wish I could reply directly to comments, but, alas, I don't know how... so I'm posting on your profile instead.) @_@

  11. Pass or fail, Yen Sid needs to pass on important knowledge to them and its kind of just protocol to see if they're ready for it. To show that they can defend themselves and not fall prey to their own ambitions, and do whatever task is at hand while looking out for others, not themselves. If they are to be judged as harshly as Terra was, they'd both fail. Sora had anti!form issues all through KH2. That might be a real problem, if his darkness can be tampered with by an outside source. Sora's also quick to jump to conclusions and fight what he's told is bad and side with whatever appears good. He could be fooled too easily by an enemy pretending to be a new friend. In Riku's case... well that poor boy needs therapy forever. Whether he's too afraid to think or too pissed to think, 'Ansem' appearing at all is only going to set him off into an emotional extreme. That and he has major issues with forgiving himself. Both have their obvious imperfections, and they'd both fall short. But they need to be passed on anyway, because it no longer matters if they're the best the worlds have to offer: They're the only ones the worlds have. Sora's reaction to a mark of mastery test? What? I just saved the worlds twice over, I thought I already was one. Riku's reaction? Not interested. I've had enough crazy stuff happen. Both will continue to want to defend people who need to defending. Neither should feel they need a master's title.
  12. Mmmm... yes, I thought it was David~ If he has a larger role I don't know if they can really keep using David. Especially if he's in a scene anywhere near something to do with Riku. He tried really hard to make it not sound like Riku, but after listening more than once it really sunk in. Unless, in some wacky way, Riku and Xehanort are more connected than we thought. =w= I definitely want to see more of y!MX. And while I really hoped that they'd bring Billy Zane back for re:CoM (and I will always prefer him), Epcar ended up being just fine. If Epcar is -capable- of sounding younger, perhaps he could even do it.
  13. ssceles

    Vanitas and Sora

    "Oh, don't worry, I'll be sure to take good care of your friends." So, what's the plot? The plot is Vanitas is within Sora (within disconnected chains of his memories, but still watching, always watching) and is gaining more control as dark feelings start to arise and build up over time... hopefully he doesn't snap (into anti-form) and kill his friends. But it doesn't really matter... because at least he'll have Vanitas, and that's really all he needs anyway. (Jeez, its a little creepy.) Quick someone write a ficlet! Visit this pic on DeviantART.

    © ssceles

  14. Oh right... Jigglypuff are someplace else in Pokémon Yellow. My bad.

    1. AnsemTheWise


      I haven't played Yellow in forever!

    2. AnsemTheWise


      I haven't played Yellow in forever!

    3. SoraFanatic


      i still have yellow but not the proper consol to be able to play it no more :(

  15. Not a weeaboo... but I am an otaku. Proud of it? Ehhhh. Not really. But its so much FUN being lazy and not having a job right now. *would dodge flying objects from roommate* . . . . . I really need a summer job. No social life? Check. Love life? Oh, I've got one of those. And that's the real reason I need to get out of my apartment more - she shouldn't be the only one paying the rent. Pass the time watching anime? Ahh... less than most people, actually. I haven't touched a 'new' anime since last fall and I don't keep up to date very well. Video games? Hell to the yes. Surfing the internet? Almost every waking moment. Nerd? Hacker? Programmer? .....*holds up nearest books the size of textbooks* PHP, MySQL, and Actionscript 3. I've got a folder on my desktop called 'AwesomeSauce' in which I keep everything related to a very lame server I host myself. Aside from the stuff no one understands but me, I'm sure you can all understand what a Flash game is. I experiment with making those in my free time. The coolest thing about me isn't that I'm a nerd. It's that I'm okay with it. At least as an otaku I get to sit behind the scenes and make people happy with stuff I make. And with all the rest of my free time? I practice my art. So when the last person says "not in the negative sense" its all perspective. There's nothing negative about being a loner or productively learning about computers. There IS something negative about not getting out of your room to work. T_T But that's my only regret.
  16. Seeing Riku in other forms: Do want! And with the oddity of them being younger for the test, I'd like to see Captain Hook again, since Riku dealt with him in KH1. Agrabah? There is so much more that place has to offer.
  17. If you make a mobile site it would also mean it'll load a lot better in my PSP. Sometimes when I decide I want to sleep in I use my PSP to get online in the morning. If you find you can't make the entire site mobile, no worries. Just make a mini site at like kh13.com/mobile or something and connect it to the news feed and I'll be content. ^^
  18. Yeah, you could breeze through it faster... but taking your time fighting little battles with your friends and fighting the Heartless before continuing will put you at a slight advantage because you get experience from those, ending you up at a slighter higher level. It's a bit hard to rush KH and still be able to have the levels behind you need to keep pressing ahead. Just go at whatever pace is comfortable. Now, there are also times, especially in KH1, where I would get so backwards lost and take forever because of it... Wonderland is confusing, in Deep Jungle I missed the tree I was supposed to climb, Atlantica was awkward, and Hollow Bastion is just a maze. I fondly remember my first play through leaving me stuck quite a few times when I didn't know how to continue.
  19. If dreams are relevant to the plot I hope nightmares are, too. >3 That was my first thought.
  20. While there's nothing else going on, by all means, talk about the site and ask us questions. Fan-made stuff (especially contests) would also be nice to hear about during a long lull without new information. But I suspect once the ball starts rolling again and we actually get updates about new stuff going on (E3 and other future events), that news take priority and needn't be pushed down too soon by random other stuff. Headline news should stay headline news for a while, yeah?
  21. Terra and Mickey both refer to Yen Sid as 'Master Yen Sid'. As to why Eraqus never called him that but called Xehanort 'Master Xehanort' is probably for one very simple reason: Yen Sid is retired. I believe he was their master, yes. And despite what others believe, I believe he's older than the both of them. Disney logic hacks. Afterall, none of the Disney characters seem to age at all. Ever. =/ There's no exact proof, either way, but maybe it'll be clarified in Dream Drop Distance.
  22. Just a hunch, but... it was night time. Just like night happens on Destiny Islands. No matter how bright a place is, time of day still changes.
  23. It's hard to say what Xemnas remembers and what he doesn't, even though its easy to say what he feels about what he can: nothing. Random 'if' conclusion. IF Xemnas had MX's memories as well as Terra's, it might then be obvious. MX would know that Eraqus would have taught Aqua how the lock the world when she became a Keyblade Master, and, where better a place to hide Ven from him? o_O But I don't necessarily know what to believe - that he does remember his life as MX, or even Terra? Could it be he thinks of himself as in third person and might have memories of both, but chose to live on as neither, combining their wills to formulate new goals that are neither here nor there with MX's original intentions? That's just as likely to me as Aqua's armor talking. I think Xemnas was just talking to himself in that case, but what do I know?
  24. So long as the text scenes appear in a theater mode like they did with re:CoM, I won't mind too much. The thing I really hate about text scenes is that its hard to remember where they take place and what exactly is said if I'm trying to find something specific - and almost no one has YouTube videos of text scenes with normal cutscenes, unless it also includes gameplay. I don't want to skim through gameplay and get to the point where the text scene is and *hope* the person doesn't just quickly press through it. I don't always have save points at convenient locations to just go hunt for details that are off the beaten track. (It's why a lot of 358/2 Days is lost on me, because I've seen the scenes dozens of times on YouTube, but the text scenes only -once-.)
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