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Everything posted by ssceles

  1. First day of Crown Week? Party Rank #14. I guess no one is paying attention after we skipped that month.

  2. Crown Week is BACK! And it's THIS WEEK. If interested in joining a Top 50 Unicornis party, get in touch~!

  3. Attn: "Crown Week" for July is apparently going to be the 17th-23rd instead of the following week.

    1. ssceles


      Actually, apparently, we aren't going to get the crowns we are missing that Japan has. We're getting something else instead. =T *super peeved*

    2. Young_Master_Eraqueez


      We aren't even getting the freaking Chirithy Charm.

  4. Moana's all but been confirmed, because of the medals in KHUX -- I doubt they'd do that and then not have that world. But I think we'd all still appreciate seeing footage of this world! Personally, I want the announcement to be for the world in Brave - I'd hate for them to let Merida's movie slip by!
  5. I've decided I'm going to start using my old deviantART account again in addition to Tumblr and here. (Same username, as always!)

  6. N64 for that original Smash Bros and the best Harvest Moon game ever made. Oh, and Pokemon Snap!
  7. Woot! I got 700 million LUX over Crown Week and my party finished off at rank #33.

  8. ssceles


    I’m glad to finally be in a stress-free environment so I can draw again. ;3; » You can also find this on my Tumblr!

    © ssceles

  9. ssceles

    Top of my KHUX party!

    Top 5 players in my Unicornis KHUX party "Unicornorts" the June Crown Week - also the Top 500 players in all of Unicornis! (Of course we were actually in gaudy skill perk outfits all week, not these.) Our final Party Rank this week was #33 last night. Minimum LUX this Crown Week for everyone in the party was 100 million. (Honorable mention to Cress, in 6th place. We all super, super appreciated your KH 0.2 Aqua medal!) (( I would like to add that I have only 172 Nova, and at least three fourths of the party has better than I do - I consider myself F2P, spending basically only the jewels the game has given me for free - other than a draw early on. Having a nearly full party who smacks on their LUX Up button during the same time each day so our boost skyrockets up to and sometimes even over 100% really helps. On a lucky run I can even get 6 million LUX per level 99 Raid Boss! )) We occasionally have party openings so if you’re serious about getting LUX during Crown Weeks, get in touch: via Tumblr - This is THE best way to contact, since it goes through my party leader instead of me. Use the Tumblr messenger, not the Ask system - otherwise your request could get lost and we do not accept anons. Please send us the requested form info or a Discord handle! via KH13 - Send me a message directly and/or see this thread. I will usually check back here during Crown Week if we have an opening to fill. via Discord - You can also contact me directly on KH13 for my Discord handle! We require you to have Discord so we can communicate our party medals, LUX minimums for crown week, and multiplayer hangout sessions. We're a fun bunch and we don't bite, promise. Discord is free to install, can also be used directly from the browser, and even has a mobile app.

    © ssceles

  10. One again, my Unicornis party is on track to get a gold Crown this week. (Still have an opening, minimum Lux this week is 100 mill per person.)

    1. Xiro


      holy balls that's a *lot*

  11. The bottom of our team is starting to slack off and we may be see some openings again soon! As of writing this, we haven't missed a single gold crown, so you know you're in good hands. We have Lux gathering minimums set for "Crown Weeks" because this is the focus of our party -- so be prepared to pull your weight during Prime Time. Minimum 100 nova story 426 top 50k (C Rank) any guilted tier 3 medal to share Preferred 200+ nova up to date on story top 5k for last week (A Rank) guilted non-event tier 3+ to share How long you've been playing, Solo Ranking, Coliseum Ranking, and if you have guilted Premiums are all factors if you feel you're lacking in some requirements. Just because you meet all the minimum requirements it does not mean you will be accepted. You should try to be meeting mostly the preferred standards! This isn't first come first serve, as we may get several people asking from several different sources (here, tumblr, friends-of-friends, etc) and us mods will take a few days to deliberate who are the best candidates for our team. As an example of how exceptions work: In the past we accepted a 2-month old player who blasted through the story and threw all their money into the iKairi2 draw and ended up with not only her guilted, but also a guilted Premium with some sweet traits -- crazy luck, man, but their Nova was waaaaaay below the minimum. Even so, they're a useful asset to the party. And once more, in case you weren't aware, you can change your Union in-game for 100 jewels! Because some Unions have more members than others, how much Lux you need to rank differs from Union to Union. You will find it easier to rank in Unicornis than in Vulpes with the same amount of effort put in, for example.
  12. Made a promo post for my Top 50 NAUX Unicornis party. Can find it from the Topics header on my profile if interested. *yawns and rolls into bed*

  13. »» Unicornorts needs YOU!! «« …to leave your Union and be absorbed into Unicornis instead… » We’re an active English Unicornis party in NAUX looking for a few new members - we also have an awesome Discord chat we hang out in! If you want Gold Crowns and have a passion for LUX collection, we want you! We’ve got a ton of LV99s up during Crown Weeks, we just need more people hittin’ them and absorbing that sweet LUX. We have not missed out on a single Gold Crown!! » We are not an open party in-game because we do want any of our users to be strangers - we actively communicate with all our members via Discord. To join, you must have Discord and at least be willing to pay attention to it during Crown Weeks and other in-game Events. Also, we require our members to be 16+ in age, sorry! We keep a separate channel for 18+ conversations to keep our main chat very clean. » The leader chooses our party medals and keeps an up to date list of all our medals so knows what is best for the party. Someone may have a slightly better version of your best medal, but you may have other great utility medals. She keeps us organized and well-prepared for anything that comes our way so we can act better as a cohesive party. Our needs change with every event, Raid Boss, and story update - you can always request to temporarily have someone's medal up if you need to borrow it! » Because our focus is on ranking during Crown Weeks please be available during at least two LUX Up Prime Times (these are, of course, 11am/pm &5am/pm EST |or| 8am/pm & 2 am/pm PST). We have members in North America, the UK, and even Australia and many of us have very flexible sleep schedules so there are always bosses up at these times! We don't ask that you have to get your own bosses up to 99 - just hitting the ones already up is good enough, if that's your thing. We DO have minimum LUX requirements during Crown Weeks! It is approximately set to whatever she can get in one Prime Time on Tuesday (once the bosses are at LV99). » NOVA requirements - you'll be readily accepted at 150+ Nova because we know you've put in a lot to get that and that should make you very helpful in terms of party medals. We'll accept users with as low as 100 Nova but it really depends on what you have - it doesn't hurt to ask. » Message or send an ask on Tumblr to unicornorts or chiunion with your ID#, in-game username, and your Discord handle. (We’d prefer direct messages, as Tumblr can eat asks.) Please don't rely on contacting me through KH13, I'm not always active here!!!! Also, the party leader is my gf, so... better to go directly through her on Tumblr. Thanks for your interest! To see our up-to-date requirements and inquire about joining, please go here: http://unicornorts.tumblr.com/join If you’ve applied before, don’t be afraid to apply again! -- June 2017 Crown Week Party Rank #33 -- These were our June 2017 Party Medals (as chosen by the leader) -- sorry this doesn't list guilt bonus % or traits, it was for our party's reference to put them up: And this was the top of our party on the night of the last day of Crown Week for June 2017: Our Discord Server has channels to share art, videos, talk about popular games, and more! (We'd strongly prefer our members to be 18+ but you must be at least 16 to join us - you just won't have access to the 18+ channels.) -- Once more, visit http://unicornorts.tumblr.com/join to apply! We'd strongly prefer you to be an active Tumblr user and use the built in messenger over there to contact us! Or message me directly on KH13. I will still check this thread at least once a month.
  14. Spine should definitely be great for implementing storymode scenes - not only can you animate in it, it'll also export to video (or html5 canvas, like I am)! Unfortunately, Spine isn't a free program, but it's the best $70 I've ever spent. Similar 2D bone rigging can easily be done in a few other programs, obviously Flash (which the browser game was built in), but also After Effects and I think even Blender has a 2D mode.
  15. So, like, all the clothing parts? I have avatar part images obtained from the browser game before it closed and that took a while. My girlfriend (who runs khxrips) did a lot of this, but we both struggled through research of 'how to' at each and every step: we decrypted .dat files -> opened .zlib files -> found .swf files -> used jpex from the command line to extract the shapes -> batch organized all the files into folders. And after all that effort, we've been kind of iffy about sharing the images, but... hey, why the heck not? We currently have over 7,180 images. We got that down to a 52MB zip file, organized across ~37 folders (one for each slot). [ Download Link ] No matter what - you will still have to position each and every image yourself. Note -- We are missing a few outfits? We know at least the Dream Drop Distance Sora/Riku, as well as Namine/Roxas outfits are missing. And -- it's worth mentioning that it is also possible to rip the avatar images from the mobile KHUX game yourself if you have a rooted phone. You just need to get the misc.mp4 and use to khuxdecrypt.exe decrypt the files - best of luck, it's not self-explanatory at all. (And it's success rate is, however, a bit lackluster - we're trying to use this method to get the stuff we're missing and the latest hairstyles from KHUX that weren't in the browser game, but sometimes it just mysteriously fails to decrypt some images.) You'll have better luck asking there on how to do this than asking me - I don't understand it that well, myself (what's important to me is that my girlfriend understands it, lol). . . . . All that said, I'm currently working on something myself (with Spine on the back end): . . . so, we're curious, what are your plans for this stuff?
  16. - Emotes and Font: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0ByGXiIrzRm8YTWxMYm5aQWx4QU0 - Backgrounds: http://khxrips.tumblr.com/tagged/maps ^^ Big thanks to my gf for ripping stuff from KHX before it closed. The only thing I can't help with is "no copyright" background sound. Of course the official audio used in the game is under copyright? If you just want something that won't trip up YouTube's copyright filter algorithms, that's different? It probably won't? This list has most, but not all the official music from KHX (we haven't uploaded any ourselves, so, this is from someone else): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ALUnxBo6V9RGyYvYbGhuF2NAIy6bstk
  17. It does little to cheer anyone up, however: She drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra. RIP.
  18. ssceles

    I'll Remember You

    You can also find this posted on my art blog. Terms of Use: Yes! You may use this art in videos, wallpapers, signatures and avatars! Please provide linked credit to my Tumblr post when possible! No! You may not reupload this exact image onto social media or any forum post without visible credit! Please consider just linking instead!

    © ssceles

  19. Just uploaded a couple pieces of fanart to KH13, a bit overdue, as they've been on my Tumblr for a while.

  20. ssceles

    Lord Unicornis

    Just some art I did earlier in the year for my English KHUX team. My original Tumblr post can be found here. Please do not reupload this anywhere. It is for personal, offline use only! However, it is okay to crop it for use in avatars and forum signatures.

    © ssceles

  21. ssceles

    Bad End, Dandelion

    Spoilers! Or not... Well, mostly not. This was drawn earlier on before less plot of KHX was revealed and was entirely based on speculation... and that I like being excessively cruel to characters I like the most. (The background is a screencap from an early Back Cover trailer.) [ You can also find and share this from where I posted it on my Tumblr! ] Please do not reupload this anywhere. It is for personal, offline use only! However, it is okay to crop it for use in avatars and forum signatures.

    © ssceles

  22. ssceles

    Crossed Hearts

    I originally drew these as separate images but I decided to add them to the same frame. (Sadly, this explains the different line thicknesses and I'm sorry it's hard to unsee once you notice it.) You can find a larger size in my Tumblr post! Please do not reupload this anywhere. It is for personal, offline use only! However, it is okay to crop it for use in avatars and forum signatures.

    © ssceles

  23. ssceles

    What A Cutie!

    And why wouldn’t I draw this cutie in her new outfit~? ♥ Now all you gotta do is make her a playable character, Square. [ Posted on my Tumblr! ] Terms of Use: Yes! You may use this art in videos, wallpapers, signatures and avatars! Please try to provide linked credit to my Tumblr post whenever possible! (Don't worry when it comes to avatars/signatures.) No one is allowed to reupload this exact, uncropped image into a social media or forum post without visible credit to me! Please link instead! KH13's official social media accounts are always allowed to repost my art.

    © ssceles

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