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Everything posted by Collective_Restraint

  1. Again, can we just agree that if KH 3D would have been a console title instead of a 3DS title, the sales would have been a whole lot more than that ?
  2. Can we just agree that they would have sold even more copies if it would have been a console release instead of a 3DS title ?
  3. The problem is not about making money, it's about the fact they could take smarter decisions to make more money. They haven't had a dime from me for quite a few years now. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation.
  4. Just shows how SE is oblivious on how to make money and hwta their fans really want. Yeah, I want KH3 as much as everybody else but when it'll come out, I'll have missed so much story that I won't understand at all what KH3 is about. Pretty much like when I played KH2 without knowing about CoM. As for the rights to KH, SE already owns it. It's not like hiring a third party to do HD ports or whatever wouldn't be feasible.
  5. I mean, the series is so spread out all over the place on different consoles, when can we expect a HD remake of them ? Especially with the number of years where console players have been completely shunned. If Tim Schafer can gather over 3 millions for an unamed point and click game, how much would SE get for a HD collection on consoles ? On top of that, why not put the Final Mixes on them so that America can finally play them ? Heck hire a third party, it's not like they could damage the series by make them less KH-y, they're HD remakes ! Damn, I'm tempted to start a KickStarter myself so that I can start a third party company and knock on SE's door with the money in my hands to buy the rights to do the freakin remakes myself !
  6. It pisses me off. I want to play the spin-offs too, especially since they add more depth to the KH story. And I hate portable consoles. I would pay top money to have all the spin-offs remade in HD on consoles.
  7. Enormous disapointment for me... Thank you SE for forgetting the console fans of the series. I was hoping for HD versions of the Final Mixes. How can you call this a 10th Anniversary Box without a single iteration of the core KH titles like KH and KH2 ? Well, with SE seeming to focus on portable consoles from now on, it seems that I might as well forget about the entire series. Heck, even if they release KH3 on consoles, how will I be able to get into it without having played BBS, 3D, Coded and the like ? I'll be completely out of touch with the story. So to resume my feelings around this box (which I was waiting news for it impatiently) : <censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensored> !
  8. Yup, HD remakes are coming up all over the place which shows that not only old games are still relevant, but that a good game is a good game, whatever the graphics are. I still play NES games. I'm wondering if something could be done to raise awareness to SE about their fans wanting an HD compliation. A Facebook page ? An online petition ? Could something be done to put the pressure on SE ?
  9. Oh yes, the Final Mixes, I'm sure if they ever release these outside of Japan, it'll increase the sales of the HD collection even more.
  10. Ditto, my kids are 9 and 7 and they really like whatever little they could see of KH before my PS3 (that had retro compatibility) stopped working.
  11. I hope so too and I keep coming here to this site to finally see a news that will confirm that. I just find SE very harsh with console players with the KH series, especially since the success of it at the beginning is due to them.
  12. Can someone show this to Nomura and Square Enix ? This review of Metal Gear Solid HD is a proof that HD remakes of old classic titles are still relevant. Heck they even included a PSP title in it. Could we finally get some KH love, us, the console players who where there at the beginning to make this series a success to then finally be completely abandonned since then ? I want to play BBS on my PS3 ! Heck, I'll take HD remakes of the other portable consoles too (358/2 Days, Coded, DDD, etc.). Please SE, make it happen !
  13. Which is kinda sad. They should definitely look at what other companies like Konami are doing. Heck, even Gof of War and Sly Cooper got the HD treatment. There's a difference between a complete remake or a "remaster". They should really go with the "remaster" route. It would be simpler, faster and would bring in more KH fans / money to SE which is always a good thing.
  14. I loathe portable consoles. Never had one and never will. Was a PS2 owner and really hated the fact the support for the series for console players stopped after KH2. I have 2 kids (9yo boy and 7yo girl) and both of them are KH fans and they always enjoyed watching me play the games in front of them, on a TV. Ditto for my wife. I don't see myself trying to have the 4 of us try to "watch" the game on a small screen. Yes, I know, you can plug the PSP on a TV with an adaptor but I won't buy yet another console just for a single game. I really have a love/hate relationship with Nomura. I LOVE his KH series but he really is a BAD salesman. Konami didn't hesitate with the HD remaster concept and they already announced a lot of their titles that will receive that treatment (like Silent Hill, Metal Gear, etc.). A great move and a smart move. Doing BBS on a console simply means more sales for SE. And broadening the fan base of the series. When I see Nomura answering like this to questions like these : - By the way, the 10th anniversary of the series is next year. The number of titles in the series has really increased since it started. Some have said they want to play HD remakes of the past titles… Nomura: Whether we release one or not is a different story; we’re concerned with the HD technical limits of the past titles. - From the survey, most fans like Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix the most. Tetsuya Nomura: Since I often hear that fans usually like one title in particular, it was a little unexpected to see that Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix was the top and that Kingdom Hearts II ranked second. To me, it simply shows how out of touch he is with his fans and how he shouldn't be involved in sales-like decisions. If I'd be a head honcho at SE, I'd jump on the occasion to launch all these titles in HD ! Heck, make it multi-platform and even do a XBOX360 version to reach even more people and get even more sales. Your teams are too tied up in other projects ? Hire a third party to do the HD Remastering, the games are already done ! It's not like they could mess the KH "feel" of the game ! I just keep my fingers crossed that some people at SE will go ahead with the HD remaster of the KH titles, whether it's BBS or KH1 and KH2 Final Mixes. I love me some HD KH on a console to play on my big a** 46" screen. Please SE do so. Konami isn't hesitating at all to do HD remasters, you should do the same.
  15. Are you saying that Square is still producing new PS2 games to sell ? It doesn't mean that because the games are available new in stores that they are still producing them; just that there is still stock available. I dunno. All I can say for sure is that the Sly series never outsold the KH series and still, they find it profitable to create an HD collection of it. Therefore, I am convinced that a KH HD collection would indeed outsell Sly and be even more profitable.
  16. The major problem is not only that, but expecting your fans to buy countless consoles to play your games. "You really love KH ? Then buy a PS2, a Gameboy Advance (before knowing that CoM was going to be released on PS2), a Nintendo DS, a PSP and of course, the upcoming Nintendo 3DS (and we'll see, maybe the PSP2 and PS3) !". Total the prices of all these consoles up plus the price of the games themselves; it's total nonsense. I find that harsh to expect your own fans to go through such an ordeal just to play your games. Does anyone have one or two millions to spare so that I can launch a third party company dedicated to the KH remakes on consoles ? Thank you !
  17. Hi there, long time KH fan, browser of this site and first time forumite. Finally decided to register and to post in this thread. I must admit that I have a love/hate relationship with Nomura, why ? Well, I am a big fan of the series but unfortunately, it's now been spread out across a lot of different platforms. I don't get how they excpect fans to continually dish out money to buy new platforms just to be able to follow the series' story. I know KH3 is currently planned for a console release but that doesn't stop me from wanting to play all the other titles that are exclusively on handhelds. First of all, I hate handhelds, always have and always will, too individual to my taste. I have two kids (a 8yo boy and 6yo girl) and both of them love KH very much and that's why I enjoyed playing KH, KH:CoM and KH2 on my big HDTV on my PS3 (which has now suffered a YLOD and now I'm stuck with a slim that can't even play these games). My kids are too young to be able to tackle such games but they still enjoyed plenty looking at me beating the game. And this kind of enjoyment can't be done of a handheld. With plenty of HD remakes coming soon (like Sly Collection, etc.), I really don't understand why Square Enix isn't bright enough to seaze the opportunity to do the same with their games. Heck, hire a third party company that'll do the work for you. If some people think that a Sly Collection will sell well enough to create it, I'd bet a ton of money KH HD would sell even more ! Even better than that, finally release the Final Mixes overseas. Nomura might be good at writing stories but it doesn't make him a good salesman. Seriously Square, wake up and release remakes of your game, especially the Final Mixes and the titles that up till now were handheld exclusives. Make it even cross-platform available on both PS3 and XBOX360. It's in times like this I wish I had a few millions in my pocket to create a videogame company. A KH fan hoping to play 358/2 days, Coded and BBS (and even 3D) one day on a console.
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