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Everything posted by replika13

  1. i bet theres going to be re-make or final mix for 3d:D:D:D:D:P i just mean that there is always secrets in each game (except days) that will revealed later...
  2. hi. i dont know have everyone of you noticed that kh3 isnt the last part of series.nomura has revealed sometime ago that kh3 will not finish the series. i have also thinked about if theres going to be 13 games of series.i mean... 13 is most used number in kh. there is already 6 games.one is under its creation and two are in discussion. if theres is after kh3 going to be four more games. thats only my theorie.
  3. which secret ending is most best? i think it is the blank points.
  4. i have psp and ps2 so i could play every three final mixes,but how excatly i could play bbs fm without importing
  5. well sorry. i was just telling you my theories. i read somewhere that nomura wanted lots of playable characters. and i know that the bbs vol two is coming chronocially much before 3. i know that "end of xehanort saga" thing.
  6. yeah!!! it would be great if vanitas,or somebody new,who is just like him. well not by his (vanitass)appearence.he could be xehanorts new puppet for creating x-blade
  7. hi.does somebody thinks its unfair that final mixes have released only in japan. i mean, re-makes is in america and europe but why in the h*** final mixes cant be released anywhere else?
  8. ven wasnt kidnapped!hes body disappears cause born of roxas. when sora attaked himself with keyblade of peoples hearts,his and vens hearts were both released. but soras body and spirit including the some parts of his heart didnt gone but vens heart is maybe somehow connected to his body and it disappeared and turned to almost complete ven,but cause there were some pieces of soras heart it comes roxas.
  9. I didnt mean time linely that 3 will come before bs v2. Imeant creations of the game but i quess y are right,even when y told lots of stuff that i already knewd. well...thanks to answering on my first message ever.
  10. Hi! i have readed some of yuo others articles and some of you think that kh bbs vol 2 is coming before 3. But i think its greater possibility that 3 comes before that. facts are...1.Nomura has told,there was going to be two games before 3. those games were and are bbs fm:D:D and upcoming game 3d. 2.kh3 is connected to end of 3d. and i think it is better possibility that they have already making plans for 3. like restoration of master xehanort and six playable characters and of course the only plot "SORA must cure the suffering of T,A&V and R,X&A and namine. And it should be about time to we get the game we all want...KH3.
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