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Everything posted by replika13

  1. welcome! if y need wanna, you can chat with me anytime y want
  2. wall-e could be great! it would tell something about robots,that have hearts
  3. farthest memory i can remember is when i was almost three years old... its kinda weird to think about that memory...
  4. it surely is.... for yen sid ! what would he look like
  5. actually lingering sentiment would came back cause its having terras will. and aqua maybe appears in this game cause 3d is connected to days and bbs...
  6. good luck to y... my cousin bigger fan and he lives some kinda double life by thinking he really lives in cybertron and i sometimes think he is maniac or something...
  7. i think ven is next after aqua and terra comes probably last or after that,but that battle theory is was cooool!
  8. moves dont prove anything... he/she is someone new and it was tolded by nomura y know
  9. chat was maybe before MX founded ven from vens homeworld or maybe it was after vanitass making but not just before MoM.
  10. i want next saga to be long as xehanort saga and maybe after that comes one short saga too...
  11. aqua is fighting this so called "venitas" while ven is fighting vanitas in his heart. when ven beated vanitas, venitass x-blade goes nuts and exploded and transferred all four out of keyblade graveyard.
  12. mine is leon,yuffie,tifa and cloud at olympys colliseum. first cloud strikes,then yuffie throws her weapon at yr face and finally leon kicks y out of arena
  13. door to darkness leads to worlds that are in realm of darkness (end of the world and RoD itself) and door to the light leads to worlds in RoL . Both doors are founded from RoD so isnt door to light same as "light in most deepest darkness?" also if there are three types of keyblades (KB of light,darkness and hearts) and keyblades are connected to those doors, maybe there is door to hearts thats leading to KH?
  14. its about time we have some news of kh3d and i wanna finally bbsv2 for being announced. i was so mad about e3 2011 so maybe its time for kh now.
  15. christmas and halloween reminds me from sora being in halloween town and x-mas town
  16. well she is buuut....she had to lose two of her friends and wander in darkness 11-12 years and see how her other friends worlds got dissappeared to darkness
  17. well...there is still this mystery how ursula and triton knew about the keyblade,keyhole and other worlds. it makes me wonder if it reappears in kh bbsv2. i didnt like kh2 version cause there wasnt enough places to visit freely without those song things. im also interested to see riku or kairi in their "atlantica forms".
  18. i played just 5 days.... and my time until xemnas was 46 hours and beating xemnas takes 30 minutes if y watch cutscenes too
  19. i usually clean up my grandmas home with 5 euro award from one hour. in two hours i have 10 euros and that is...20 dollars i quess.
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