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Everything posted by replika13

  1. For a second i though you meant lactokinesis Brian but whatevs
  2. im not sure about the teaser or kh3dFM. They seem to be very unlikely this year. Not to mention SE is working on KH For PC Browsers (Even though its JUST a web game with no connection to main plot). KH 1.5 will be released during this year of course and Nomura has mentioned something about 2.5 so its very likely it will be released. BBS and KH3D are too new games to need HD remakes. I bet we could hear about Re:Coded being made into 2.5
  3. depends on the book. If they are good books those guys can rot in hell, if they are bad ill go easy on them, if its Twilight ill be cheering in the crowd
  4. Im gonna count on KH3. I wish Kairi will finally show her usefulness which she deserves. Nomura should develop female characters like Kairi and Xion much more and give them respectful roles.
  5. personally i dont have any other reasons than ReCoded to hate this series. Im more open to new ideas, characters and interesting turns in plot than others are.
  6. I meant that i dont like gays much (due being bullied by them thinking i was one. It was guite traumatizing), but i do accept them as human beings. Bible or those christians dont have any right to boss people around and tell their ways are absolute. And btw i didnt watch the video if it was important to
  7. lol. Somehow reminds me of Silent Hill
  8. lol. I dont like gays much either but this is ridicilous
  9. Of course i do. Its just that the joke was rather simple to understand
  10. Dunno if this counts as animal but at least its cute
  11. i think the joke was rather lame
  12. This theory makes so much sense. I knew there was something familiar with Slenderman
  13. I would have finished it earlier but connection was cut Nice work bro!
  14. So cool chapter sis I just freaking cant wait for next one. Hope you can update before your birthday or christmas http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  15. Well... FullMetal Alchemist D.Gray man Case closed Code Lyoko (possibly not counted ) Digimon Good old Pokemon episodes Code Geass Avatar (both TLA and LoK) and Blue Exorcist
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