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Everything posted by goodman2008

  1. hey guys i got Xbox One for christmas anyone wanna be my friend on xbox my id is goodman2088V2

  2. I haven't been uploading any videos on YouTube cuz my computer is now died so I can't upload anything until I get a new computer

  3. just got super smash bros for 3ds today so im not that good at the game yet i havent play a smash bros game since brawl

    1. Sora96


      There hasn't one since.

    2. goodman2008


      I know I meant since brawl come out


  4. i never imaged that one of my videos would be talked about let me you i got this song on google there was a download link it said it was part of 2.5 remix so i just downloaded it i uploaded it to my youtube channel i didnt have time listen to it until someone commented on it was a fake sorry if it is
  5. youtube is at it again trying to kill my channel if i get suspanded again im not making another channel

    1. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      got hit with copyright?

    2. goodman2008


      yeah they just pick any video and slap a copyright on it

    3. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      yeah, they did the same to my crappy piano covers.





  6. they just want an excuse to be lazy the company knows damn well the wii u is an 1080 HD
  7. i pre ordered kingdom hearts hd 2.5 remix does anyone know what the pre order bonus is please dont tell me its that stupid pin

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose


      It's that awesome pin

    2. xHaru


      People still Preorder o: My last preorder was d3 and when i visited the gamestore i preordered on the launchday, they said they dont have preorder boxes anymore so i only get a normal one... the bonuses were shit anway, but holy dumb as firetruck humans.

  8. today is my birthday so say happy happy birthday today is my birthday today oh yeah lol sorry a little hipper today

  9. so saturday is my birthday yeaa!!!

    1. Xiro


      Just one more day >w<

  10. When I play the last of us I can't help feeling that's the future of America anyone have that feeling

  11. the reason it sold bad in japan is cuz they already had final mixes on the ps2 so of crase it sold bad in japan
  12. make sure to check out my walkthrought for brith by sleep final mix here's the playlist

    1. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Are you gonna redo it for 2.5?

  13. Hey guys I just found out that the person on the horse in Zelda wii u really is link

    1. WakingDawn96


      Really?!?!?!?!? I had nnnnnnnooooooo idea!!!!!!

    2. Caity


      Pretty sure it' Tingle.

  14. ill pre order mine in a couple of months i hope they will have a pre order bonus
  15. Next week I'm getting a ps4 just in time for kh3 when it comes out

    1. Cucco


      I imagine it coming out in 2015

    2. Sakuraba Neku

      Sakuraba Neku

      I loved the part "just in time"

    3. goodman2008


      i know kh3 isnt coming out next week

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. If anyone wants to add me on wii u my Nintendo ID is goodman2008V2 we can race on Mario kart 8

    1. Isaix


      well since you have Mario kart 8,I'll add you

    2. goodman2008
  17. im from North America baby :biggrin:
  18. for some reason i feel really sad today i dont know why : (

    1. WakingDawn96


      Because I'm sad! Let me know if sadness is for you! (change the lyrics of Happy to Sad)

  19. my first console was nes thats why i love nintendo :biggrin:
  20. remember people easter is about jesus not the easter bunny : ) happy easter evryone

  21. remember people easter is about jesus not the easter bunny : ) happy easter evryone

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