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Everything posted by dusk

  1. summon all the dudes

    1. Demyx.


      The dudes have been summoned.

    2. dusk


      the born of mandudes

    3. Demyx.


      Mandudes The Summoned. Coming to theaters near you.

  2. I find it really strange that all Caius battles were really easy for me compared to other battles, not saying that there was any really hard battles but anyways ._.
  3. The thing is that stores like Gamestop or really any other store really don't sell too big variety of games for consoles that don't sell that well and Vita has already ton of amazing indie titles, but most of them don't have physical version of it. Like seriously, I go to store and see Vita/Wii U games, there is like under 15 different games. I go online and check. Totally different thing Also both of these consoles have good games, but you must be ready to try new games and not just wait for AAA titles to come out.
  4. My two all time favorite has to be Niichts and Jerma985 Niichts is very skilled player and really funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnqC-ONuNSQ Jerma is skilled player as well, but the best thing about him is his voice acting skills. His grandpa plays videos are just great . He also puts a lot of variety in his videos and his personal story videos are genuinely touching Some other dudes I like: XChinnin, Sykkuno, Fokktor (Finnish), Booman61 (seriously that voice), DissidiusWasTaken, JonTron, EpicNameBro and if we talk about non gaming channels then: Pomplamoose music: just unique and high quality music videos Vsauce Jacksfilms Forgot some stuff: EthioMod, The tig3rr42, screenjunkies,
  5. Honestly Caius is really easy to beat. Just throw some debuffs and buff your characters and go all out on him, or use diversity to keep yourself safe. If you can't defeat him you are most likely under leveled
  6. I never want any company to buy Atlus they are fine like this
  7. Straight up fighting power isn't all that matters. If you are good strategist and can use others to your favor, you can beat some stronger enemies. Also Emperor is quite powerful with his power of hell in end of FF2. Also in order to use army you need power to keep it in charge
  8. i dunno but i find it extremely entertaining to go and read old shitstorms

  9. i find it extremely annoying to write "in my opinion" in end of every sentence when I want to say something like "I think that (x) is best" or "I think that (y) is kinda bad" or something like that. I don't see point in always telling if something is my opinion or not. Obviously it is my opinion if I say something
  10. You could get PS3 for fair price and you get to enjoy many wonderful titles that are better than most of KH games and you most likely will have moneys for PS4 when KH3 is finally released.
  11. Hardcore gamer is just title some idiots give them to themselves so they could feel better about themselves and have some feel of superiority to other gamers. They usually have one game/one type of game they like to play a lot and since they think that game is best, they also think that that game/type of game is for hardcore gamers. Whatever it is shooters, MMOs, RPGs, platformers or anything else But as Amon said Pro players are totally different thing and must not be confused with these.
  12. Actually Emperor from FF 2 managed to conquer earth and even hell and heaven so I think that he is quite strong..
  13. WHOOOOOO Fnatic beating GMB and going back to top :DDD

  14. a tons of food sometimes I really really wonder how I stay slim like really i eat a lot
  15. Both are really good, but VI takes the cake
  16. well yeah.. Arcanine demolished my whole team
  17. Possible in Persona 4 Also this is possible in any game where you can play as villain yourself
  18. I don't really see how fans of older FF games are being happy if the turn based fighting system is removed. Also the story of XIII games isn't everyone's cup of tea.
  19. I actually played one match against Megaman X before this tournament and I was able to take two pokemon out from that team dunno how that happened though
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