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Everything posted by dusk

  1. ehh why must it be so annoying to reject someone.. especially when someone is actually your good friend and you only want to be friend..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Caity


      It'd be nice if people didn't think being nice and friendly to someone entitled them with a "Getting laid tonight" ticket.

    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      ^Yeah that only works on tv lol.

    4. MyDixieRect


      I once rejected someone by running away screaming...yeah that was a hell of a day

  2. I think that this phrase sums up some fanbases really well "You only need few drops of ink to darken whole bowl of water" There really isn't bad fanbases, some just happen to have some really toxic people on them..
  3. DMy first week in Highschool.. was firetrucking AWESOME 8D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xoblivionx13


      Awesome! Enjoy it though, it goes by super fast...even though it just started xD

    3. dusk


      Yeah I can already feel it.. It is soooo fun to live in apartment with other people of your age and everyone here are so nice compared to Junior High which I hated.. Also you can actually talk with teachers and they actually see you as another human being, not some stupid vegetable who doesn't understand anything..

      Well one thing that is fun about this highschool is that it is specialized in musical studies so everyone here is basically musician 8D


    4. dusk


      +it was somewhat funny experience to lose to girl in video game for first time..


  4. I could see Ishida being rival of Ichigo. I don't really see Luffy having any rivals
  5. Alucard and Anderson from Hellsing the most badass rivalry you can see
  6. There is one thing I am scared of here. Guys, it is really hard to make huge area and make it seem like cool level design but no. You actually need stuff to do in place that big. If there is only few monsters and stuff then I just rather fast travel or something and not spend time exploring. If you make big open world, then please make don't make it seem like empty
  7. Well yeah.. ABR has improved a lot from the time they started, but not really my favorite band
  8. Kinda early to ask "the album of the year" when we still have like 4 months left of this year.. Still waiting for Dream Theater's new album, but some of my favorites: TesseracT's "Altered State" is quite amazing (not as good as "One" though) Aristocrats' "Culture Clash" Karnivool's "Asymmetry" Amogh Symphony's "Abolishing the Obselete System"
  9. I'm little bit disappointed to ending. Felt somewhat rushed and extremely unsatisfying
  10. So yeah, last chapter of Soul Eater came today.. Little bit disappointing ending

  11. that looks really cute and cuddly I am sure that, that will be used a lot in competitive scene
  12. Basic idea of omegle, talking to strangers is quite fun, but it is ruined by the fact that 99 % of people who chat there are either creeps who fap on webcam or people who tell "I am 16 years old girl wanna chat" when they are most likely just old creeps Okay it used to be funny site, but even trolling there these days is boring so no don't go there
  13. I like both, but in all honesty there isn't many animes I consider as amazing or master pieces, but there are quite many video games compared to that.
  14. It is tie for me As much as I like playing on home consoles, I don't have that much time to sit in front of PS3 or any other console unless I am on vacation or if my brothers wouldn't play like 6 hours when I have to wait for my turn.. So yeah.. I benefit a lot from handhelds.. Only thing that bugs me is that all of handheld consoles feel little bit too small for me expect VITA (I have really big hands) so playing on DS or something is just really hard and annoying.. And since I nowadays play mostly on my laptop and I don't know whatever I should count it as handheld or not..
  15. scumbag picture not working D:
  16. I just hope that this Mega form is not completely broken. It would not be fun to be able to win battles just because you happen to have Mega Stone.
  17. PSN for both PS3 and VITA: souleater1997 okay it sounds like really cheesy and ridiculous, but I made that when I first got PSP... Like I was pretty young back then..
  18. You know why critics exist? So they could tell you what THEY liked about something whatever it was game, movie or book. Indeed, review is reflection of one's opinion on certain subject and thanks to those reviews we can see how OTHERS have liked something. If critics have liked something, then it probably has some redeeming qualities and is worth looking into even though it may not be my cup of tea. Like I probably wouldn't like romance movie even if it had good reviews simply because I have no interest on that genre what so ever, but I can still see if it is well made and would fans of that genre like it. Also if critics haven't liked something then it may be because it was not their thing or it was just badly made. Also I am pretty sure that if some critic says that some movie, game etc was bad then you should look at other reviews and see if they liked it. The reason of reviews is to give us direction what ever we should buy something or not and WHY we should do so. And yes I always do research on games and movies I buy a lot. I see all the trailers, look gameplay and read even some spoilers to see if plot is any good. But the reviews help me to decide what ever I buy or not. BECAUSE, there are a lot of games and movies with cool trailers and stuff but then thing itself can be quite horrible (Walking Dead Survival Instinct or Avatar: Last Air Bender MOVIE) And I don't let any reviews decide if I should buy something or not. They give me direction and hints. They are not bad, they don't "dictate" what I buy or think is good. Like take any movie with extremely bad reviews and it is most likely really bad if you have watched any other movies of same genre and have something to compare to. Lets take "House of blood" as an example. I haven't seen any good reviews for it. I watched it. It was pretty horrible. Even "horrible" movie can have some good things about it, but you still should get hint that there are better ones to spend your time to.
  19. I honestly dislike the way how you can be anyone you want behind usernames in internet. It is just horrible how some people behave. Like I am completely fed up with little pricks who act like total douchebags all the time just because they know that no one can actually reach them and most of time there is no sanctions for what they have said or done. Like lately popular Ask.FM site resulted 14 years old girls death. Why? because some people who thought they were "funny" told her to kill herself. Seriously. Most of the people would not say same things if you were to act with your real name and face. Like I am seriously done with internet for while.
  20. Just came home from cinema. Monster University was so good :DD

  21. Swedish is actually quite unique language, but I have never really liked it Mostly because I am forced to study it in Finland and lets not forget eternal hate of Finnish people towards Swedish. But yeah Swedish isn't half bad. In fact Finnish is a lot harder and much more weird
  22. Leonardo Dicaprio, James Kyson Lee and Keanu Reeves have best taste for animes out of those guys
  23. Same with me.. I really need to get new computer but it is hard for student who needs money on other stuff like eating ;_;
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