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Everything posted by kyuuri

  1. Hero of the light is all good, but the hero of the dark is better (is in the middle of replaying Re:CoM) Would love to see a Riku-related no matter what it turns out to be.
  2. Worlds that are certain are Traverse Town and Hunchback of Notredame. After playing Re:CoM today, my prediction for two more worlds that are very likely to appear: - Dumbo's world - Bambi's world Reason 1: Both characters appeared as cards in Chain of Memories Reason 2: 3D is a great opportunity for those worlds to make appearance. Sora and Riku are back to looking like their kiddie selves. Imagine if KH3 Sora and Riku (who probably wouldn't differ from KH2 their selves very much) hanging around Dumbo and Bambi - it'll just look childish silly. 3D is probably the last chance for Nomura if he is ever to bring out these worlds.
  3. I'm secretly rejoicing that there's no more OC. However, it is highly likely there will be a replacement such as the Mirage Arena or something new but similar.
  4. I'm being picky here. Ven hasn't met Xehanort in Terra's body, right? When Ven last saw Terra, Terra still had his own mind. It's Aqua who has met Xehanort in Terra's body the way I understand it.
  5. I agree with Rakuroikusan that "fragmentary path" doesn't neccessary mean what it seems (since when does Nomura hands as answers directly?). The game is highly likely to explain what happened to Ansem and his apprentices, with Xenohart leading the betrayal. It makes a lot of sense to have Isa/Saix and Lea/Axel to play a big role in Bbs2. In Bbs the game showed us the beginning of their dramatic fate, in KH2 we saw the end, makes sense that we see what happens in the middle. Plus, they're both so popular characters, I would flash them out again if I was making the game. There will definitely be more than one playable character. I wonder though how Aqua will contribute to the story during the time she is trapped in the Realm of Darkness? What can she do can actually affect what happens in the world above? They can't have her running around killing heartlesses pointlessly for all those ten years.
  6. Just happen to be in the mood to translate. The following is the transcript + translation of the "Birth By Sleep Secret Ending Complete English [HD]" uploaded by the best site kh13.com. Aqua doesn't actually speak anything unpredictable, but here it is! Format goes: Speech start time~speech end time Speaker: speech in Japanese Speaker: speech in English 1:49~1:57 ???????????????????????????????? Aqua: If I follow the Wayfinder, surely I will return to the original world someday. 2:30~2:31 ??????...? Aqua: What...! 3:18~3:20 ????????????? Aqua: What is happening?! 3:44~3:45 ???????? Aqua: That is!
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