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Everything posted by GTarablus

  1. I wish I could let them do it... Its like in KH2FM critical there just as strong as a fat heartless. If i let them battle anything alone they will die... even if a disney character is in my party he will die as easily as donald and goofy would... I always have donald in because hes stronger and cures me a lot unlike goofy who dies instantly
  2. and so far im planning on pre-ordering this the minute its available
  3. so after you almost broke your neck the first or second times didnt you think of stopping? lol jking Send a letter to city hall and have them take care of it
  4. i wonder what bullshit this nutcase can troll about KH
  5. i actually lol'd isn't the bible storys that have been told for generations untill someone decided to write it all in a book?
  6. lol "get your children away" cause after i saw a demon at the age of 7 on the computer my life got screwed and i worship Satan ever since
  7. Ok so this chick is pretty much crazy! check out her vids http://www.youtube.com/user/tamtampamela If you wanna laugh hard go see the satanic video games! Tho i think it might be fake cause c'mon, can someone really be that unaware of life?
  8. For those of you complaining that its gonna be pricey, sony's releasing 2 versions, one with 3G and the other without, so if your that low on cash you could settle for the no 3G why couldn't sony stick to the PS2? PS1? why couldn't Microsoft stick to the Xbox? why couldn't Nintendo stick to the NDS? hell to N64, NES and all those shitty systems?! Its called advancement, if you wanna stay alive in the gaming industry you need to advance every few years so that your customers wont get bored and go to the competitor.
  9. im sure they'll have backwards compatibility
  10. If sony will be smart they'll give us backwards compatibility somehow whether its putting more PSP games on PStore or by releasing classics/platinum games on flash media
  11. Well im sure a lot of you have seen and heard of sony's announcement today the PSP2=NGP For those who haven't: http://psp.ign.com/articles/114/1146358p1.html Anyway, I think BBS-2 might be coming to the PSP2 and not the original PSP, but that means we wont see it for a long time. Square-enix have been announced as a 3rd party group working with the PSP2 team (last paragraph http://psp.ign.com/articles/114/1146376p1.html ) And to be honest, i would absolutely LOVE seeing KH3 on the PSP2! with rivaling graphics with PS3, a touch screen and touch pad i think nomura could find some interesting things to do with it!
  12. That actually makes sense Though xehanort escaping and sora and the gang tracking him downdoesnt exactly fit for KH, where the enemy's always had master plans and i doubt xehanort will escape... But the first part of the theory where they defeat terranort and terra joins 'em makes sense
  13. LOL!!!!!!! the only granny i see under that hood is the one from Madagascar
  14. Yes it probably is a dream maybe because of what i said in a post above that they dont have time to waste since MX is revived. And lets not forget the title: KH: Dream Drop Distance
  15. I doubt that if yen sid is supervising the exam, he would let something go out of order, cause after all they are kind of on a tight schedule with MX being revived
  16. But like Exlon said, if they do need to relive thier KH1 journey why are they going to new worlds? I wonder what crazy thing Nomura has to say to explain this... :S
  17. that wouldn't explain why they look like 14 and 15 year old sora and riku...
  18. yes but its just like any final mix with JAP menus which is the biggest downside possible, playing a game in the hardest language possible (or at least in the top 5) and still, the most important scenes in the game which are the new secret episode scenes are in JAP...
  19. I still believe that when the PS2 classics will get HD remakes for PS3 become a big thing for sony we will get our 3-in-1 KH pack with KH:FM, KH2:FM and KH Re:CoM all in english
  20. Agreed tho you make a good point there with the americans not seeing the FM secret ending thus not knowing about BBS-2 so maybe we still have a chance for a first FM in english
  21. I think its pretty obvious it'll be international eventually if they made coded international... BTW: Hi, im new here
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