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About Larushu

  • Birthday 09/14/1997

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  • Member Title
    Insert title here....
  • Gender
  1. It's mainly just me and a few friends watching a movie and eating some snacks.
  2. Meh.. I just sit inside playing games most of the time anyways
  3. It has had it's ups and downs, but all in all... A good year
  4. Kingdom Hearts... y u no on xbox? D:

    1. Sora96


      Because Xbox is shit.

    2. Larushu


      Ohh joy.. A hater...

  5. Heeeey. i think it's been a week now o: Gimme my new name... Larushu
  6. I don't even remember my dreams. Sometimes i have a vague memory of my dreams. but 2 minutes later.. POOF!!! gone..
  7. I've waited 4 days.. Isn't that enough? x_x I still want my name to be Larushu
  8. I think the books are REALLY good, but i'm not one of those fangirls/boys that write fanfics and stuff...
  9. Will the name i log in with be the old one, or the new one?
  10. I saw your post in the username changing thing.. No coins, no wishes =p
  11. I'd like to change my name to "Larushu" But do i have to wait a week? =/
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