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  1. For anyone else who's about to ask "Why is this being put into personal?" it's because the staff moved it there, saying that some content might be put onto FanFiction. Rules are rules, I'm afraid. Remember, Vanitas was completely destroyed by Ventus and faded from existence. So he's gone forever. Don't you make me and my pals have a mental breakdown, Shadow the Hedgehog dude. Plus, I'm pretty sure that they're bringing back Vani, because *SPOILER ALERT* the same thing's gonna happen to him as Axel. They're bringing him back because of all of his epic fans. WOOT!
  2. Oh. My. God. OMG! I'm having a freak attack over this epicness!
  3. Ventus's heart was incomplete without darkness, though, wasn't it? (Sorry if I'm annoying you guys with questions; I'm so behind on BBS it's not even funny.) So...wouldn't it be restored with darkness? Besides, that would be pretty stupid if Ven kept on running without any darkness in his heart...that's like...Superman without the Sun. It doesn't work out too well...it doesn't work out at ALL lol. And I always thought that a heart was incomplete without dark (or vice versa; a heart without light). Well, unless you're a PoL. So, unless Ven is a princess, I'm saying that the darkness is gonna return to his heart. And it probably wouldn't be MX...smartass Pete or maybe even Maleficent would find out how to do it and extract it once Ven's heart was fully restored.
  4. It is quite possible for Vanitas to return. It's just that if you want the Vanitas we know and love in BBS to return, your friend's theory is NOT the way to go. I'm glad that you're saying that. You also seem to be the most sensible one on this post, so I'm gonna ask you the same question my friend asked me: "Could Vanitas be brought back with ANY light in his heart?" I don't think he could (not if we wanted him to look the same or make a X-Blade or whatever the hell light and dark wanna make. Children, maybe x]), but she's making a whole Vaniri storyline, and she wants badass Vanitas to go "Mr. Nice Guy" by the end and turn on the darkness/bad guys just to be with Kairi. I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE. For all we know, the remainders of Vanitas could be in Riku's heart, and that's why their dark suits/Keyblades/battle stances are similar. But that would just screw up our storyline even MORE. *sigh* Could Ven's darkness be extracted from his heart while he was still within Sora?
  5. *OKAY...there's probably 10 gazillion peeps on this website who have posted this exact same thing. BUT I DON'T CARE! I'm too lazy to go through all 88 pages of threads to see if someone else posted it.* ANYWAYS, me and my friend are making a fanfiction for my other friend b/c she loves Vanitas (especially Vanitas/Kairi) and whatevs. But we don't know how we could ever...bring him back... *depressing* What my friend came up with was combining a small part of Ven's heart with the darkness with Sora's heart. Personally, I don't think that's gonna work out for two reasons. 1. How the hell would you combine them??? And 2. Wouldn't the light and dark from 2 different people make a completely different person? I'm also asking this 'cause we're gonna post it on FanFiction.net, and there's some REALLY "keeping it real people" on there, if you know what I mean. Yeah, they honestly don't give a rat's tail if you put an author's note at the top saying: THIS IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY AN AU. Does NOT work. And I don't want any reviews on how "You can't bring Vanitas back." That's just gonna tick me and my friends off. I know it's long. I'm sorry if this ticks anyone else off. But...we need some help, because, for a change, I wouldn't mind "keeping it real" either. Just for those weird people on FF.
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