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Everything posted by Rodo

  1. I don't have it yet, you have to beat 20 of the treasure sack heartless to get it.
  2. Did you see the new Mission's? Wisdom Sora card
  3. Dwarf Woodlands Story 2-1 available at level 45 Wonderland 2-7 available at level 48 Agrabah 1-8 available at level 50
  4. My's level 48. Just curious if that was its final stats.
  5. Something just occurred to me. In the menu where you select each world something is off. Dwarf woodlands has snow white's picture. Wonderland has alice's picture. But, Agrabah has aladdin's picture instead of jasmine's???
  6. Is your brave form sora level maxed out at?
  7. I think they might go in order for reviving the mission. So completing the "shard" mission gives you the "stone" mission, then gem. Guess i was right. Thanks Tigerruss
  8. Good thing is that once you complete a quest, you receive a new one right after
  9. Use the power to release all future KH games simultaneous.
  10. Click the arrow beside the keyblade in the edit deck menu.
  11. Next to each players name maybe put what group there in, if they post it? Might be able to get into the same group.
  12. Finally got a deck of all rare attack cards. Just need 2 more rare assist cards.
  13. I found them in wonderland after you go through the door with the talking knob.
  14. How to join a party. Click the button with the two smiley heads. Then click the bottom right red button. A menu will pop up saying "Search". There are two tabs at the top select the second one. List of other players with two red buttons out beside them. Click the first red button. the one right beside the players level. What you want to look for is a player that has more than one person in their party of 30. Select the bottom right button when you want to join that persons party. Select the left red button. Then your in their party with an AP upgrade.
  15. I keep running out of AP. I know levelingl up it restores it fully and potions can help restore it. Other than just waiting, is there anyother way?
  16. I'am a purple cobra and my character name is rodo In group 101
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