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Everything posted by Rodo

  1. You can join my party, just need your rank and name.
  2. Hardest: Pokemon RB, GS and RS could never beaten the elite four Easiest: Mobile Suit Gundam Crossfire
  3. I bought four packs of cards and the SR+ came in one pack. Here are my other SR's.
  4. The level cap is still 100, and here is other campaign events going on right now. Final form sora attack is multiplied by three and other cards receive a boost in attack. Receive 200 munny for answering a survey. Guaranteed a SR or SR+ if you buy 11 rays tickets Reach level 10 receive 5 gold tickets, unless your already pass the level You can now see other players decks by clicking their avatar Synthesis of cards is doubled Discounts in the moogle store
  5. Purple cobras. Anyone who is a purple is welcome to join my party in the game.
  6. I watched it last season. I loved the conversations between Hikigaya and Yukinoshita. Both having such high opinions on how they see other people and they actions they take to help the people who come to the club with a problem. Hikigaya's way of solving the problems may not always be the best, but are effective in their own way. While doing so all his class mate thinks he's is just being mean. Lastly the way Hikigaya blushes when Totsuka comes around thinking that he is so cute
  7. Its not like i wasted any of the AP/BP from leveling up. I usually leveled up during double lux time to take full benefits of the AP/BP reload.
  8. If your a purple cobra i should be able to add you to my party
  9. Three Wishes Update: +7 ?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Magic: x1.9 Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 Agate Ring (めのうのリング) x15
  10. Guard armor in wonderland is level 105
  11. Not all 10k, scanned through
  12. I look through the leader boards and no one else is level 100
  13. I'm the first person to reach level 100.
  14. Three Wishes Update: +5 ?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Magic: x1.7 Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 Hot Sand (熱をおびた砂) x10 Scarab Brooch (スカラベのブローチ) x20 +6 ?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Magic: x1.8 Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 Star-shaped Sand (星のかたちの砂) x20 Ember (残り火) x5
  15. I can add all the purple cobras to my party in the game. All i need is: -Player Name -Your Level -Rank for last week( if you made the top 10,000) Also you can't be in a party for me to invite you.
  16. Later in the game these will start to give you silver moogle tickets instead of bronze. The large armors will give you gold tickets for completing the quest. What if the 10AP in woodlands has a chance to drop R's and the larger armors SR's even if it is only like 2% chance.
  17. You can only hold 100 cards in your deck before the start going to the "Backyard" which can only hold 60 cards.
  18. Today i only have been getting Mythril Stone and crystal quest, when i need shards. Just got three shard quest in a row
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