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Kingdom Sora

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Everything posted by Kingdom Sora

  1. I've actually missed that Skrillex song. It's the only one I heard but I like it.
  2. dammitwhythehelldidn'tinoticethatishouldn'tbealiveIshouldbedead Why so literal?
  3. It's official I'm pissed *pterodactyl noise* damnispelledpterodactylrightwithoutspellcheck:O
  4. I love how people I know in real life think I'm so innocent but people on the internet think I'm the most perverted person they've ever talked to.
  5. I hate it when I begin to sing and my parents thinks an animal is dying outside the house ;~:

  6. Sometimes I feel like going to someone's house and smashing their computer.
  7. Granted, but they're scattered all over Africa and you cured their hunger. (Good for you ;D) I wish I could get my laptop to run faster!
  8. Banned for no capitalization (Seriously gais is your shift buttons broken?!)
  9. I have little song lyrics in my head
  10. Did you turn into Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood while I was gone?
  11. Banned because at least your signature wasn't just a picture of Roxas standing in a red box with the nobody insignia in the background
  12. That was Wuver =_=" she stole my clothes and made a skin mask of me. I'm surprised you thought that was me...
  13. Banned for no capitalization (what's up with people not capitalizing?)
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