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Everything posted by demy1077

  1. nano gasped at searing pain and the dragon. " come on chi we gotta leave now alex yo utoo" nano said hurrying to get up. she knew the dragon was on her side but she looked at the worse possibility. she gave the dragon a thankful look and grabbed the two males hands yanking them out. william surprised by krystals outburst followed. he questioned just what was up with chihiro and the dragon to the point where he didn't notice the school come into view.
  2. william smiled warmly to nano's surprise. william walked over to them and frowned alittle. " i know you teo like eachother but the way to free your friend is to kiss him" he whispered so krystal wouldn't hear. nano whispered a thank you and pulled away from chihiro. she pulled out her dagger and handed it to william. " if she attakcs either one of us throw this blade right at one of her tails then get out of here" nano said before walking into the room alex and krystal were at. she grabbed the collar of alex's shirt and pressed her lips againest his. " please don't hurt chihiro's sister after this" she throught a look of sadness surfacing in her green eyes.
  3. go ahead and do whatever truely as long as you give atleast a small discrption on her for us it should be fine.
  4. no i was just mesing around with him for awhile why?
  5. ( alright) nano shook her head and bit her cheek. " no i was the one that was being careless and showed my form while you were close by" she whispered trying not to cry anymore. william looked at them and sighed. " chihiro what are you" he asked finally noticing the flickering lights. nano looked at the lights and and frowned more. " why automatically blame him it migth be alex or one of his family members" she said angerily.
  6. okay i have to ask who still wants to be in this rp?
  7. william sighed and looked at the three kids one by one. " krystal after we get the time capsule you are free to go but you must let the kid go and if possiple erase his memories of you and nano" he said. nano looked at him and wiped away all of her tears. alex stepped up to krystal and grabbed her hand. " we need to talk real quick please" alex said dragging her into the kitchen. nano walked over to chihiro and hugged him. " i'm sorry i messed up and got you involved as well as your sister" nano whispered sadly.
  8. chase facepalmed as they entered the dorm. " we forgot haru" he said angerily. chase layed down his face in the pillow and let otu a loud sigh. he rolled over and facepalmed again. " we some how forgot to check on our leader wow we're an awesoem team" chase said. he mostly blamed himself though. he sat up and open the blinds of the dorm window slightly. " atleast the training we're doing is in the moon light right" chase said trying to find the rbigth side of something.
  9. nano looked at alex and teared up. " please let him go krystal" nano pleaded. she looked at krystal again and sighed only one thought coming to mind. " let him go and i'll be like a body guard for you if i live.... i'll make sure no one takes your ball or trys to mess with you" nano said a few tears slipping down her cheeks. alex looked at krystal an eyebrow raised. " let me go what is she talking about" he asked looking at william. william shrugged and lightly wiped away a few of the tears on nano's cheeks. " that seems like a deal you can't refuse right" william said glancing at krystal.
  10. chase sighed and nodded. " i guess i was just hearing stuff" he whispered walking downstairs. chase put the money he still held in his hadns in his pcoket and frowned. " but i coudl have sworn i heard three voices up there" chase said. he swished his tail violently and sighed. chase hung his head low and pulled his hat down. " i'm an idiot" he whispered to himself.
  11. chase yanked his arm out of veronica's grip and shook his head. " didn't you hear it some one was yelling on the roof of the dorms" chase said fratically. before they could say anything he ran up to the roof. he stopped at the door and took a deep breathe.for some stupid reason he knocked before opening the door. " who's up here" chase asked not being able to see anyone.
  12. chase sighed as his ears twitch then jumped at what he heard. " what? we won't let you" he whispered looking at the cieling. " come on guys there's something on the roof" chase said slipping his shoes on. he grabbed his weapon and ran out of the dorm. he looked around and and ran to a staircase. " hopefully this leads to the roof" he thought starting up them.
  13. chase nodded and rubbed his stumoch. " i'm hungary so could we get food now" chase asked. he looked through his bags and pulled out a bit dollars. " we could go to a gas station and grab something" chase said. he looked through his bag some more in search of a few more dollars and sighed. chase zipped his abg up and shook his head.
  14. chase rolled out of bed and woke up. " huh oh hi veronica when did you get here" chase asked rubbing his eyes. he lightly cracked his neck and looked at veronica. " WAIT your the only girl on our team right " chase asked standing up. he rasied an eyebrow and nodded. " yep well dang now i feel bad for not being gentlemenly to you" chase said rubbin gthe back of his neck.
  15. okay chase stumbled abck in the room hair a majore mess. he decided to say something stupid in class and had to figth a beowolf without his weapon. " owww" he groaned holding his head as he fell onto his bed. chase learned his lesson and wanted some sleep.his stomuch growled making him sigh. " sleep is more important rigth now" he whispered.
  16. if thats the case can we just do a tiem skip for 12:00 only if thats okay with everyone.
  17. chase sighed and looked around the classroom. " so far the only class that the red headed kid isn't in" chase whispered looking around again. he sighed happily and sat back contently. " i have a free period next yay" chase whispered again. hte teacher droned on about the technique the students a few years ago used and how it was usefull but also dangerous. " the combination of blades and guns made it easy for two people to do close combat while the other two did far combat" the teacher daid. it waas around that point that chase really stopped listening.
  18. ignore that firts one please name: denny write age: 18 role: bully personality: rude,mean, pretty much everything bad with the world at times but he does have a kind side. semblance: from itme to time can make people lose their sanity ( depending on hwo carefree they are). pretty much make them go haywire for a few minutes
  19. name: denny write age: 18 bio: human. he raised himself since he was 10 after his parents where killed. after awhile a hunter found him and started raising him and teaching him to fight. soon he was accepted into a school and taught more there. at first he was bullied but after he won a fight with the biggest bully in school he was greeted with popularity. after awhile his ego got the best of him and he became the biggest bully. appreance: he has black hair with a white stripe down the middle of his bangs and minty green eyes. he wears a camo shirt and dark brown jeans. he has purple and blue converse. weapon: a gun (one of the long ones) . it cna be turned into a lance when you put safety on and pull the trigger twice. semblance: can mkae people lose their sanity for a few minutes ( depending on how carefree they are) insignia: a set of wings that are torn at the tip.
  20. i could make a bully
  21. After a few minutes of nothin happening nano yawned and turned around. " I'm going back sorry bro" nano said walking away. Alex nodded and followed dragging William behind him. " so I was wondering if I don't die could we be friends again" nano asked quietly as the neare his house. Alex shrugged and walked up to the door quickly. He opened said door and let the other two inside before entering himself. " okay listen Krystal I'll do practically anything for you to just leave chi's sister alone and free Alex" nano said making William laugh.
  22. chase grabbed the bottle gratefully and opened it quickly. he took one of the pills and layed back againest the wall wiping away tears. " t-thanks veronica sorry for bugging you with that" he said standing up. the voices died down as the pill took full affect causing him to smile. " i don't care whether or nit hates are allowed anymore" chase whispered walking back to the room. he grabbed the hat on his bed adn slipped it on his ears poking through the regular shape.
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