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demy1077 last won the day on August 22 2011

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About demy1077

  • Birthday 10/18/2001

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  1. why do the bad guys always lose?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dave


      Because it usually makes sense for most stories if their protagonist's quest succeeds. The role of the "bad guy" or villain in a story is to provide an obstacle for the protagonist to overcome in order to fulfil their quest completely, and thus they usually fall. The hero can fail, of course, but only if it makes sense for the story for it to happen.

    3. Dracozombie


      Because if I'm investing how much time and emotion into the story, I'd like to see the heroes' efforts were actually worth something. I read/watched/played everything to see what happens, and the bad guy wins? Then everything that happened was a waste of time. I might as well have not bothered.

    4. demy1077


      yeah i guess i just think thta the bad guys would be sick of losing all the time.

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