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Everything posted by wayfinder3

  1. possibly, i know this has nothing to do with this subject but could you tell me how to make a thread please
  2. you guys are all WRONG Sora's ultima weapon would dominate the X-blade. its the strongest keyblade ever plus Aquas regular keyblade broke the X-blade, just imagine what the ultima weapon would do !!!!!!!
  3. so i melded break time with ven to get faith and i was wondering if you could get it back cause i want it again. is their a way to meld something to get me break time with ven? oh and i'm new at this so can someone tell me how to post real threads instead of introduction threads please
  4. first of all how did riku even get destiny's embrace?
  5. i would be happy playing as just one character but multiple is great as well. if i could play as one it would be Sora cause he's the best. if i played as multiple i would play as EVERYONE, but mainly mickey, sora, riku, roxas, terra, ven, aqua, and MASTER ERAQUS that would be awesome. playing as master eraqus
  6. i have no idea what you wrote sorry dude try explaining it again in a new thread please so that i can get it. thx
  7. they put it the game because of how AWESOME it is and to keep us busy. besides they all were soposed to be in it like kingdom hearts12 pointed out
  8. all i can say is IDK, you'll figure it out soon.
  9. exactly, i really want them to put sanctuary in the games a little more. or get utada to write a brand new song for the next game
  10. iv'e always loved the original movies with tobe and kirsten and i'm really gonna miss 'em, but i'm really looking foward to this new reboot i think the new costume is really nice too except for maybe the fact that now he has web shooters , i like it to be organic
  11. well when doing the ceromony i think the keyblade has to choose you as well as it's weilder does and i guess it just wasn't meant for jack and leon
  12. if this was an unused design 4 recoded then who was gonna wear it?
  13. youv'e got a really good point but maybe she thought that roxas could take him down and riku would fail
  14. idk i only have those 3 as well but i heard it's ultima weapon, metal chocabo, and lionheart (leon's keyblade)
  15. i think that stayed the same. also did khbbsfm come out in america too?
  16. thnx a ton and welcome to kh13 as well
  17. i think that some news will show up mid spring
  18. com is a main game, without it u feally wouldn't understand most of kh2. also, i like halloween town but it really annoyed me in 358 days for some reason and wonderland just isn't my world there's something about it that i just don't like
  19. i was also gonna post a thread like this cause i'm wondering the same thing
  20. ur lucky, i have to wait 1 more day and thats way to long
  21. congrats, hey sorry 4 the sudden change in subject but how do i start my own disscussions? ans btw u should really get ars arcanum with ventus it's great
  22. hopefully tomorrow , only if i'm not to lazy to get of my ass and go to gamestop, otherwise yes i will
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