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Azure Flame

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Everything posted by Azure Flame

  1. And I'll be available at 5pm EST Been testing out my team and I'm fairly pleased with it. Winning a fair amount of battles, though losing a few too, but that's just because of either bad descicions, or poor matchups.
  2. Nope, link doesn't work, but the other one ended up working for me after I posted, which is why I edited saying it did. So, I need Angel's name, or he can use mine to send the invite tomorrow at 5pm EST, or whatever time it'll be in his timezone.
  3. The challenge list isn't appearing for me, says the page isn't there. EDIT: Nevermind, working now
  4. I don't know the reason, all I can do is guess, but it may take a lot of time, effort, and money to port them over to another console entirely. With PS2 to PS3, and PS3 to PS4, it wasn't that difficult since they were the same family of consoles, not much changed (Except with KH1, since they lost the source code and had to rebuild the game almost entirely from the ground up) but things could be different porting them over to Xbox, remapping for the Xbox controller, and everything else. They may not have the time or the manpower to do so just yet, and they want to focus all their resources on KH3, which they're already making for Xbox One alongside PS4. Again, I have no idea if this is true or not, but this is what I think might be the reason.
  5. Alright, was looking through Smogon's OU tier list and put together a team, now to enter it into the game.
  6. Should be fine for Sunday, Saturday I'm going to Salem to celebrate Halloween with friends.
  7. 2 pm EST works for me then, as that's when I usually wake up. I work 3rd shift, so I'm up all night working, sleeping all morning. Do we post our teams for review, or keep them secret?
  8. Also, going by the name Azure Kyle, since Flame was taken already, as was just plain Azure
  9. kk, good to know. What time will it start on the weekend? I live in EST, if that helps.
  10. Ok. I never actually battled with it before, mainly just using it to plan out teams that I would work on in-game. Never set up a name or anything, still labeled as a guest XD
  11. Would you say it's better on PC or Phone, because I have it for PC and am downloading it for phone, didn't know they had a mobile version.
  12. Thanks, it was something I thought up myself. I love yours too. Have you seen the new movie yet? I really wanna see it.
  13. I think they should stay as well, with mine I've gotten people talking to me about it, either complimenting me, or asking what it means, because they don't seem to get the joke. It's a better way to express yourself, in a way you can't with avatar, profile pic, or title.
  14. I had trouble signing in too, but I ended up doing the reset password option and was able to sign in after that.
  15. Of course the Sony deal is fake, otherwise the original Chain of Memories wouldn't have been made for GBA, 358/2 Days and Re:Coded been made for the DS, and Dream Drop Distace been made for the 3DS, all of which are Nintendo handhelds.
  16. I knew there was a reason I've saved up over 50,000 points for the last decade or so. I only needed to buy one membership, literally had enough points to have them pay for themselves, even when I upgraded to Elite Pro. Now, I'm spending them all to get as many entries as I can, just wish I could do more than 15 at a time. As of right now, currently at about 150 entries at this point. And if I do end up winning, I'll probably sell the game since I already pre-ordered the digital version for PS4 so I could get that sweet theme, keep everything else, and give my sis my old PS4, keeping the PS4 Pro for myself. EDIT: Just finished with a whopping total of 420 entires, and 1227 points remaining.
  17. And who knows, between now and when it releases in the US, they could patch out the problems, and release the English versions already fixed, or have a day 1 patch. I will remain hopeful, especially since it means my sister and I can play together.
  18. For me it's Donald and Mickey's Japanese VAs. Donald I can't even tell if he's actually saying words in any language, and Mickey just seems eargratingly too high pitched.
  19. I'd rather wait, since I grew up with the English VA's and prefer them over the Japanese VA's. Also, I don't think it was because of lack of dubbing that they didn't play an English trailer at TGS. Remember, TGS is the Tokyo Game Show, which takes place in Japan, so it would make more sense for them to play a trailer in their own native language rather than in English.
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