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Azure Flame

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Everything posted by Azure Flame

  1. We just had Yellow remakes, they wouldn't make more remakes after making remakes.
  2. Well, most Pokémon main series games have come around October/November.
  3. Initially I saw the very first KH1 trailer, the one that showed Sora running through Disney Castle and thought 'Oh, that's neat' Later on at Christmas time, I got it as a presant from my parents, thinking I would like it. This was back when it first came out back in 2002, when I was 14 and I'm still loving the series even at 30, having bought every KH game to come to America, except the all in one collection.
  4. Ah, I never really watched much One Piece, just the original 4kids dub up until Crocodile, then they stopped airing it on Fox Kids. I only saw bits of it when it came back with the revival of Toonami, and just remember an episode where he returned.
  5. Didn't he end up becoming a decent marine later on though?
  6. Also, make sure you're using Spoiler tags when talking about spoiler stuff like this.
  7. @Sora=myhero You do realize this thread is over a month old and referring to the games that came out last month, right?
  8. See, it's interesting that it's coming back, but the Artwork is just really off, in a bad way.
  9. From what I remember reading, they were saying they won't do a traditional Final Mix as a separate game, but have it be a paid DLC that would essentially be the Final Mix content.
  10. Once I obtained the Ultima Weapon, I cleaned house with all the Battlegates, it makes the game far too easy.
  11. Yeah, you're missing Ultimate Form in the poll, that's also my favorite. Although, most forms are just a different look for Sora, the abilities and combat styles come from the Transformations themselves. Like Mirage Staff is quite different form Dual Arrowguns or Mystic Launcher, even though they're both Element Form. And each of the copy transformations utilize a different form, like the 100 Acre Wood Keyblade being Guard Form.
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