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  1. You have to check this out! It's funny!
  2. Yeah but as Nomura said, Kairi doesn't have what it takes to weild the keyblade. So I doubt that she will obtain one. @Reversal, she's not ever going to get one period. Hardly fair, she obviously has what it takes to wield one, so eventually her heart is gonna be in the right conditions to use one, otherwise the accidental rite wouldn't have been included, there'd be no point to it. I agree. I think at one poin se will be able to sh just in' ready at the present time.
  3. Wow. I was talking to someone eho had played all te games and didn't really understand either. That's why I asked here so i could understand better.
  4. Yeah and even if she did do the mark of mastery I don't think she woud be able to pass. So assuming both Sora and Riku pass we would be left with three keyblade masters. Am I correct. (Not counting Aqua, Terra, and Ven because we aren't entirely sure how they come into play).
  5. I haven't finished days yet. I just got it a couple das ago. The hnts I was talking about i when she s talking about remembering the oceanand watching the sunet. Things Kairi would have memories of. I haven't played final mix either which is why I didn't know any of this.
  6. So I have been wondering. Who is Xion? Whoes nobody is she. The game hts at her being Kiari's but that's not right. Who do you thin she is?
  7. I think they will both pass with flying color because the wrold is kinda doomed if they don't. They will need all the keyblade wielders they can get. I thinkit would be amusing if Kiari did the mark of mastery since she wields a keyblade in KH2. I don't know if she would pass but t would be cool t see her try along side Sora and Riku.
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