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Everything posted by Naroco

  1. Nate enetered the pod and its door closes keeping him in it. It started to drain his data little by little and Nate tried to reverse it, but couldnt. Damn it I cant reverse it. im getting weaker. He thought. is data started to change and he slowly became a digiegg. Nothing else was in the pod. Only the egg, which was black and blood red.
  2. Hey if im tired after school and dont come online its because of my schools activities called shop olymipics. Dont ask, they r just some stupid sports or board games we have to play as teams.

    1. spenskh89


      D: i will miss you!

  3. I have a question, can u have a character who knows how to use the darkness but be good?
  4. was at the beach and even though i put on sunscreen over 15 times today, im as red as a lobster. I HATE MY SKIN. im either pale as a ghost or burned

    1. KairiGolden13


      haha like i say i feel bad for u


    2. xion---424


      god my skin does the sameb thing that sucks

    3. 4Everbee


      Do what I do put on 12 sunscreens and you'll be fine

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  5. thx for staying with the options but put ur reason y he would win
  6. Nate smirked, then said "Please just get this data out of me as fast as you can." He was being a great actor, for his plan is to absord all the data in the DATS head quaters using the machine in reverse.
  7. Cant sleep, thinking about the party my class is have at school. =)

    1. Naroco


      no its not for the finals its just a last friday of school thing i geuss

    2. Junko


      Cool. Will there be pie?

    3. Naroco


      no but there was soda chips pop corn pizza and hookers jk

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  8. it was supost to have Maka and soul vs sora donald and goofy vs ichigo vs the main character from the game Prototype
  9. Who would win in this four way battle? Put ur vote and write y u think so. im srry about the poll, for some reason it wont work
  10. Hi welcome to KH13!!!!!!

  11. Super tired. couldnt sleep last night, and i didnt have time for coffee. Wish me luck.

  12. Nate looks at the DATS base and thinks DAMN!!!! I thought they would have fought over me alittle bit. (srry cant think. and y is ther pokemon in a digimon rp?)
  13. "Sure lets give it a try." Mark said looking forward to the gig. He had never played infront of people though, so he was really siked. "So when can we starts practicing?" he asked. "I want to practice as soon as possible." He continued.
  14. In school, trying NOT to work(lol), and not get caught on this site, even though its and ok site for the school comp.

    1. Jack Scorpion

      Jack Scorpion

      nothing wrong with that

  15. He saw he was surrounded. Well I geuss i should just stand down...for now He thought. " I Surrender, there is no need to fight." he said as he raised his arms. " Take me back to where ever I'm gonna go and I will cowaperate." He said hoping they would fight over where he would go, DATS or the Data Breaker Base?
  16. Goinng to a party for my cousin. It gonna suck. Ill be on whenever possible. Have a great day without me :)

    1. KairiGolden13


      good luck with that

    2. KHlover12


      Most family parties suck but try to have fun :)

    3. Evil-Ven-the darkness king

      Evil-Ven-the darkness king

      wow, in my state...my family parties are mostly fun but yeah, i agreee they are boring

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  17. "I must help" Nate said in a normal voice, but then slaps himself and says in the evil voice "Why should I care about some human?"
  18. Damn the school people who make tests. Damn the schools, damn the Finals, and Damn MCAS (test in my state)

    1. Skylar.Love1


      Ikr they just want a reason to torture kids

    2. Junko
    3. AnsemTheWise


      State tests S-U-C-K! That's why I'm gald I never habe to- NO! I have to retake my TX Nursing Exam in a few years! I feel your pain, brudda.

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  19. If u play BBS it shows Aqua changing Land of Departure to castle Oblivion. where Ericus (cant spell lol) sat is where Ven sits now, waiting for his heart and her return.
  20. "W-what?! S-she is disentigrating, and in a coma?!" His voice slpiting from his own, normal vioce, and a darker evil voice. He shakes his head and in the evil voice he says "Why should I care you can't hurt me."
  21. "Ok what do you want, I have data to absorb." Nate said with a evil grin but saddend voice. Nate is actually fighting the data for control over his body but he is losing.
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