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Everything posted by Naroco

  1. Yeah I am um i should go. -inner thought: If she tells the Orginization i was here ill be turned into a dusk-
  2. As i walked out of the dark corridor i saw a girl. At first i thought crap a civilian saw me but then i noticed that she looked like a nobody so i calmed down i walked up to her and said "hey ur a nobody right?"
  3. I like this idea for game play for kh wii (if it ever happens)
  4. Set up Name: Age: Gender: ordinary Weapon or keyblade: Home world: Appearence: Bio: Dark/Light: this is for me and my friend Zexion's_Lover_46 Name: Xante (e is silent) Age:14 Gender:Male Keyblade: Armageddon (made of fire) Homeworld: Unknown...for now Apperance : Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, wears the Orginazation cloak, has a scar on his left arm in the shape of a broken heart Bio: A loner, a Nobody who just needs to find his Heartless but doesnt want to...yet. he is also on the run from the Orginazation. Dark/Light: Dark...For now
  5. Do u think it would be a good idea
  6. It was Awesome dude. To bad Mark's dead though.
  7. The background hurts my eyes but everything else is great
  8. im atheist and i dont beleive that people like that should say stuff like that espeically online.
  9. if not then that would xplain namine and roxas. but if so then why does namine use a lookalike body of kairi? Same with roxas
  10. WTF! y would they dance, and to that song to
  11. i agree it should be aqua ven terra
  12. go on this is good back of my mind: rape!
  13. BBS V2 and kh3 storyline and action. demos too
  14. I think MF is ansem the wise from the future using a time machine(im serous). He is a scientist after all he probably could make a time machine and we dont know if he can fight or not so it could be
  15. It's good but i was wondering... Wheres Mark
  16. This post was from before BBS came out so good job at geussing that it was. THUMBS UP
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