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Everything posted by Naroco

  1. NickName: Blizzard Age:19 (Can be ANY, NO LEGENDARIES)Pokemon: ice Houndour (pokefarm.org) Appearance(OPTIONAL! If you want to have a scarf or scar etc): has a icicle on its head Bio: tough, scary, had a rough past and works most of the time alone. Used to be human, but wanted power. He gaurds a shiny stone and a spesical item.
  2. i think she should be able to control water, like move it and make it float and stuff
  3. Going white water rafting, hope i come out alive. wish me luck

    1. Junko


      Good luck. I've never been water rafting. Don't die!!! xD

    2. spenskh89


      Good Luck Chuck!

    3. Pandora2721


      you better not die!


      ~good luck!

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  4. Going white water rafting, hope i come out alive. wish me luck

  5. Dorumon woke up an hour later, feeling feverish. " hey i dont feel to good." he said looking at Marina.
  6. Go to the Hall of memorince and fight all the Organization members with out items or limits, or drives (unless thats to hard for u)
  7. Wow look at the site! I guess this is y we h

    1. Junko


      it looks facebooky

  8. Wow look at the site! I guess this is y we h

  9. U r my friend u r the tide u r the one thing on my mind we fought we cryed our friendship almost died but through the pain we still were friends until this horrible horrible end i will always miss u Khgirl4ever, ill never forget u
  10. omg this is kind of sad

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8x3HGw3vuw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtvpvYWpMwo&feature=autoplay&list=FLH9HyT6klnGo&index=2&playnext=3 these r from my favorite Martian the band it funny these r pg-13 songs so
  12. "My....head.....hurts" He said as he griped his head. He groans in pain as he sees some bits and peices of his human past. Each memory felt like a knife in his spine. He passes out due to the pain. As he falls to the floor he sees his black agumon (as in an illusion).
  13. Dorimon found a picture of a Leomon and a Black GeoGreymon fighting at a playground, when he got a he got a headache. He grabed his head and started to digivolve into a Dorumon. He was still in pain.he saw the fight in his mind.
  14. Dorimon woke up early in the morning, walked to the computer and turned it on. He started to look up all sorts of information of the human world, and some on digimon sitings.
  15. Dorimon too the medicine ad fell asleep on the bed. He dreamed of Nate turning evil.
  16. "YAY" Dorimon said before puncing at the food and eating it all then making a cute burp. "Excuse me." he said after burping. "Sorry for eating all this food, it was nummy." He said. " I bet Black Agumon would have...." he said before his head started to hurt.
  17. When the egg finishes hatching a Dorimon. " Hi Im Dorimon" it says after it jumps off the bed. It didnt look like Nate, but it is him. "Im hungry, can I eat?" Dorimon asked Dorimon.bmp
  18. The egg moved in Marina's lap and was starting to hatch. while it hatches a portal opens behind Kait and "lucario" that goes to the Data Breakers Base.
  19. the egg moved more violently,almost falling off the bed. Whatever was in it, wanted out.
  20. the egg moved a tiny bit. It seemed to react to Marina's voice.
  21. Im not going to school tomarrow haha suckers.

    1. KairiGolden13
    2. Junko


      been out of school 4 two weeks. haha

    3. Kairi_Fan_2k11


      hey im not at school today either

  22. The scientists tried to turn Nate back to normal, but all they can do is sepearate the evil data from him. The egg stayed the same but seemed kinder and somewhat gentaler then Nate was.
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