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  1. Maruriro, he was really strong when i had him as a follower it could be a benefit
  2. And in this corner we have females, those lean, mean feminist machines and in this corner we have males who are......whats this? This just in the males have withdrawen under the pretences of its illegal to hit women. sorry folks no battle of the sexes tonight
  3. started playing KH1 with my girlfriend because she had never played any of the series before, shocking i know. haven't put it down since
  4. got final mix 2+ again after having my sister break my last copy of the discs so i'm pretty happy

  5. only 4? well i guess ill have to go 4.5/10 jimmies rustled
  6. I personally would be all cool like and say hi, but realise it can't be real because they are game characters. Then soon after i assume everyone would speak dutch, things like that happen
  7. Welcome home brother, you can hang your coat and hat on the wall and welcome once again
  8. haha well you don't seem bad your self
  9. I actually am and dont even get me started with those laser sharks, you think theyre cool to have as pets but they are just a god damn nuisance
  10. Im australian and i have to say THIS IS COMPLETELY TRUE especially the koalas
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