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Everything posted by comander352

  1. Yeah, They were speaking English just so we could understand them. In-game they would be speaking Russian. Also, that guy wasn't Raiden, considering you can kill him, and he is too old to be Raiden.
  2. It's not horrible, but i find myself refusing to turn around while I play it.
  3. The remakes are nice and all, but I'd rather have them work on a new Zelda game rather than remaking Majora's Mask (Not that I wouldn't play it) same goes for the other series of games. I'd rather play something new.
  4. Oh my bad, I thought you were referring to the end scene with Sora, Kairi, Roxas and Namine.
  5. To be fair, it was kind of a forgettable moment... What, with the whole not actually being finished with the last boss thing...
  6. Oh god... So you have to go to the hospital with the rapist to get it out... This sounds like nothing but trouble to me personally...
  7. Blah?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. comander352
    3. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      No problem. lol Everybody's going to miss something! You can't be there for everything, but you'll eventually be there for something.

    4. comander352


      Haha alright xD

  8. I can't really blame him, Unless you actually get into the game, it's a game where you have a giant key, that you use to defeat these shadowy creatures and meet some Disney characters that are from your childhood. Now granted, The game is awesome, he is the one who is missing out so just leave him alone... This is always a good solution too
  9. Im hoping PS3, Wii U or PS Vita (even though I don't own one), it's time to get a console game again! But if they do another game before KH3 (BBSV2 for example) It should be on the Vita.
  10. I've found the Simpsons to be relatively the same, but I do notice it in some other cartoons.
  11. I wouldn't expect anything any time soon... But later on it may become a possibility... After all, we haven't seen a kingdom hearts game for ANY home console since Kingdom Hearts II (Or Re:Chain of Memories if you want to get specific...)
  12. I think so, but I think it's that "secret project" or whatever they've been working on... Whatever that is...
  13. I've been pretty unimpressed by E3 in general so far. Hopefully some of the other stuff will be better too though, I'm looking forward to some of Nintendo's stuff.
  14. Sounds good, but obviously this shouldn't be the main focus of the game
  15. At the moment, I think it's better for them to focus less on the villains, as there is a lot they need to cover in the next few games, perhaps after the Xehanort they will play a bigger role again.
  16. It was alright, but nothing excited me too much.
  17. I agree with that 100%. Bbs with ps3 graphics would be amazing!
  18. It's in the "What We Know" Section here: http://kh13.com/games/kingdom-hearts-3/
  19. I didn't even consider that it would be in 3d. ...Shows how smart I am. But yeah, I think it will be awesome!
  20. Nope! I've been waiting for that one .
  21. Uhm... I think they should stick with the animated movies, Please no Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place, Phenias and Ferb or and of the TV shows.
  22. His hands are behind the rock thing >.>
  23. I think I'm going to be the first to say: Kingdom Hearts is not my life. ...However, it is a very enjoyable part of it .
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