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  1. Square Enix better not announce a awesome side story of what mickey and yen sid were doing during there sleep (if they even if they are going to sleep) or i swear im going to japan to shoot up square enix. Im excited for KH3D and KHBBSV2 but seriously? No more Square Enix Just give us KH3. The game we have been waiting for since 2006 and most likely wont release till 2014. 8 YEARS!!!!
  2. So we still have KH3D, KHBBSV2, and KH3, KH3 might not come out until 2014 T_T still excited for the other games though
  3. Aqua was in the realm of darkness for 9-10 Years im not sure since she was there with ansem the wise and he got there with the explosion. The Heartless were released on to the world 9 years according to leon and yuffie in kingdom hearts 1. So within that one year something happened. Maybe how Xehanort Turned into a heartless and nobody (Theory's). Is there going to be a Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 2? That takes place between that one year gap
  4. I think the Castle of Dreams in Birth by sleep was plunged into the world of darkness when the heartless released
  5. I wonder why they had to make Riku and Sora younger for the mark of mastery exam even though nobodies and xemnas are in it, Confuses me
  6. yea i know but theres like a harder version of him somewhere in the datascape
  7. Does anyone know anything about this? i saw the fight on youtube and im not sure how to find it since it was in japanese i wanna pwn Roxas again
  8. I believe Yen Sid creates this area so they could take the Mark of Mastery Exam. Thats why there's a Twilight Thorn in Traverse Town. Or the "Traveled in Time" Theory, Which may link to the Mysterious Figure from BBS since he uses Time control in the fight.
  9. i got my copy today. The many ways of gameplay in it gives it a new way to look at it and i really enjoy it
  10. Okkk soooo How come Namine Doesn't look like kairi but every other nobody looks like themselves. Roxas has a reason because of Ven but why does namine?
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