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Everything posted by shaq25keymaster
Like vanitas said in kh bbs if the xblade is forge and unlock kingdom hearts keyblade wielders will apeare becuse the worlds are divided to prevent a keyblade war again so there must be more keyblade weilders in other wolds.and i agred whit kh125 aqua terra and ven are ok we dont ned new characters.
Wath battle style you like the most? Sora Terra Aqua Ven or (Mickey,riku,etc.)
KHRecoded X-Play review on Re:Coded
shaq25keymaster replied to Aqua7KH's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
Let me tell you something abouth x play one of the hosts adam sesller or wathever his name is he hates kingdom hearts becuse fans of the game was sending him e mails abouth asking wen kh3 will come out so donth expect any good review for kh games from this guys -
Ok in the secret episode when aqua is following that conection and the theirs the explotion and the conection desapeare i may have two theorys Theory a: the conection was kairi in radiant garden when radiant garden fulls to darkness thankns to xehanorth kairi was transport to destini island and that make aqua los the conection. Theory b: the conection was terra s' hearth and when radiant garden falls to darkness and xehanorth becames a heartless terras heart desapeare along whit hehanort s' So wath do you thin theory a or b or neither of both
Ok im lost here kh bbs vol 2 supose to be a game or a manga or something to read can you help and please dont star saying burn this tread is youst a question im lost here
KHRecoded Completely Unexpected
shaq25keymaster replied to Cas9897's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
yea i jump from the sofa wen i here the square enix sound -
yeah sorry im not in a good mood and in not from the us im from puerto rico im good speakin inglisg not writing it but i didnt ment that in a bad way oh i agree whit gameowner
KHBbS Going thru Ven at level one.
shaq25keymaster replied to kingdomlanelover's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
good luck becuse lv1dam i finich the gamein critical wen i was in disney town i was on lv 19 and i have to go and lv up to 25 to defeat them easely well irecomend mega flare i would help you ps dont figth vanitas rement or the misterius figure at that level is IMPOSIBLE -
well yes i did play the game and i finich the story twice and i read all the things they talk and analize it i dont know if you skip the scene and i didnt refer she was looking for ven i refer she were looking for her origin maybe you should play the game carefully and dont skip the scene ohand axel was looking for the chamber not for ven iknow that you know i know a lot of kh i have play all the games exep final mix
ok we all know that ven is sleep in c.o in 358 xion start looking for his origin at c.o wen she comfront axel she said i saw a boy that looks so much like roxas but that boy cant be sora becuse she saw sora wen she first go to namine at the last part of the game and wen she look at roxas in agraba she says you look so much like him. oh and i also think axel find the place to.well wath do you think
Ok I need help to defeat the mistyries figuire wish chracter you recomend and wath level you should be for proud mode oh and wath comand should I use hope you can help me
I will go whit got it memorized
KHBbS returning ven's heart back
shaq25keymaster replied to shaq25keymaster's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
Well I desagrid because sora in kh1 he realise ven's heart and kairi's and he became a heartless then he had ven's heart back wen he unite whith roxas as one so this mean he can became a heartless.wen he release kairis heart he became a heartless doing the same thing whith ven will the same **** -
Ok wee all know that ven's heart is inside sora and sora has to rerurn it back in order to do that he has to release it out of him with he's keyblade but when he do thath wonth he became a heartless again?I'm so confuse
KH3D Does this make you angry?
shaq25keymaster replied to shaq25keymaster's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
Yea maybe you are rigth I gess we youst have to waith to find out -
Ok I was thinking if in kh3d you will play the mark of mastery(nomura say the mark of mastery will be in this game maybe)if you make you're sora whith strong comands and higth level don't it going to piss you of in kh3 start all over again.
Master Aqua and Master King Mickey ?
shaq25keymaster replied to Master Keeper's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
Yes mickey is a. Master because nomura cornfim in a iterview that he is a master -
Ok yes I think that a keyblade can chose his master but in the case of sora and riku the keyblade did not chose sora aqua chose sora and terra chose riku if you have play kh bbs when terra go to destiny island he meet riku and make him a keyblade weilder and aqua makes sora a weilder to in the secret ending sora says I am how I am because of them he is refering to aqua and terra thas the real way sora is a keblade weilder
Well master eraqus keyblade master,master xehanorth,yen sid(retaire)aqua and mickey(nomura said that he is a keyblade master.