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About mistere_78

  • Birthday 09/12/1978

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  1. http://www.kingdomhearts.com/kh25manual/kingdom_hearts_25_manual_us.pdf
  2. I bought HD 1.5 ReMIX for my birthday in September. Since then I've tightened my spending since PS4 is coming out in two weeks. If the Target rumor pans out I'll pickup three games then.
  3. Yes, Tealgamemaster did earn the Ultma Weapon seen here at the 17:40 mark; however, for whatever reason he didn't have it when he went to fight the secret bosses.
  4. I watched Audry of IGN's unboxing. I pre-ordered mine the first week it was announced; however, I still don't have a 3DS. I guess I'm going to have to pick one up yet this weekend so I'll be able to play.
  5. I played KHI & II on normal difficulty so I had to 100% them to see the secret endings which is the only reason I did it. For BbS I started on proud which wasn't very difficult the ice cream stacking game was too annoying so I didn't bother trying to 100% it.
  6. I have always intended to buy a 3DS but I wanted to wait until there was a heap of great games to play on the system. I was concerned that Nintendo would release an improved version. I was also waiting for the Ice White unit that I thought would inevitably be released in NA so I don't as of yet have a 3DS. However, seeing that I have a pre-order for KH3D, I will be forced to take the plunge. The question now is do I buy the current model or do I put off playing KH3D until Aug. 19 when the 3DS XL's come out?
  7. I started spoiling myself bit-by-bit from the start. At this point I've seen all the cut scenes most of them with translations. However, the ending still doesn't completely make sense in my mind, which is fine. When I play through the English version it shouldn't feel as if everything has been spoiled.
  8. I've got a white DS Lite and a white DSi. Had an original DS for a long time but recently unloaded it. I'm STILL waiting for the Ice White 3DS to release here in North America!!!
  9. First, youngsters I have to say I don't like the premise of a single favorite game of all time. I could name hundreds of favorites touching every time period given but I'll digress and simply state that 1992-1996 is by far my favorite.
  10. For discs I put them in the case of the game that I'm exchanging discs with, which is to say the wrong case. Until the point when I decide to clean up then I have to sort through and put them all back into the correct cases. Portables I put in game cases that I've bought that hold several games or back in their original cases. Old school carts get stacked back in the small storage boxes that I'm forced to keep them in under my bed.
  11. As someone who owns and has played nearly all of them I can say there's too many great ones to name one as favorite.
  12. I don't yet have Days or Re:coded and was planning on purchasing them in the next few weeks. It looks like I can get both new for under forty dollars so why would I wait for this anniversary box? It seems like an unnecessary, panicked, last minute, sloppy effort to do something for KH's 10th. I doubt it will come to the US anyway.
  13. I had been a subscriber of Nintendo Power since the first issue. However, since Nintendo handed it over to Future Publishing I haven't really been reading it. I was unemployed when my subscription ran out and since I started working again I still haven't bothered to resubscribe. I don't think that I will either, I don't really miss it like I thought I would.
  14. It just depends on the situation. If I know I'll be driving most of the time then I usually don't take one. Otherwise, if I know I'll have time to play then it depends on what I'm currently playing but I usually only carry one at a time either my DS or PSP.
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