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Everything posted by VanitasTheBest

  1. Nomura planned 2 more KH Games when KH3D was in development. BbSV2 and "the mysterious KH", the mysterious thing was cancelled and BbSV2 was... dunno what's it now, it was just decided that it doesn't fit in the Xehanort Saga anymore. But it's obvious that there were plans for REAL games that should have filled the years until they release KH3. But now there are these HD collections with no addition and no new view to the Story. It's kinda the same as if there wasn't any KH Games ;o Don't get me wrong, the HD Collections are cool, but unnecessary imo.
  2. Nomura said they planned the HD Collections for a long time. If they didn't even have started planning them there would be most likely other titles to fill the years until KH3 comes out.
  3. If it's gonna come out 2015 I think it'll be Q3/Q4 in Japan and we get it then Q1/Q2 2016 ... I really hope he has no other Plans beside KH3, I just don't like the HD Collections, they're taking 2 years away. Just announce 2.5 already, I want to get it over with ~.~
  4. Naruto will definitely end this war so there's no doubt that he will hold on. But I'm not sure if he'll be the one who defeats Madara. I think Sasuke will defeat him
  5. My mother tongue is German, besides that I speak English and a little bit French
  6. Female: Cynthia/Cindy ... Because then I can call her CinderellaMale... I don't really want a son. dunno why. I never thought about having a son, therefore I have no idea for a name... But it should definitely fit to my Last Name
  7. I've got it once in Platinum. I don't know how but my Starter Pokemon had it and infected my other Pokemon 0: I thought that was something bad
  8. I've got some starter packages... I played it sometimes with a friend, even though we had no idea how.But the Gameboy Version was fun. And the Free Online Game is also pretty neat
  9. Yeah, but they said we will see from 2015 to 2019 every year one Movie. The new Trilogie Movies are set for 2015, 2017 and 2019 ... 2016 and 2018 will be Spin-offs and of them is about Yoda... I don't know if it's confirmed but I think the other one will be about Han Solo and Boba FettI'm pretty happy that there'll be new Movies... I love Star Wars and I don't mind if Disney is making the new ones, as long as they stick to the old attitude.
  10. Also the European Square Enix Website said that it'll be Final Mix first time for us, so...
  11. Does anyone have already a Pre-order Page for Germany? I think it could be the one with the date 6th September stated, but there's no Pre-order Bonus registered... Do i have to wait until it's edited?
  12. God damnit, exactly when I thought it couldn't get any worse... Didn't know there are any other Developers that make Sport Video Games.
  13. I didn't want Motion Gaming to be invented. So... Nope
  14. I didn't give them special names, just a few of them I guess... I just took some random syllables from their names and threw them together. Komory Bat is called Vamp-Komori in the german Version and I named it Vako It's totally unoriginal, but I didn't to give them all a special name. I just collected them because I wanted 100% ... I only named one of my Aura-Lion Auron, that's all I think
  15. Das geht raus an alle Spinner, wir sind die Gewinner, kennen keine Limits x3 I only love german in Lyrics.

    1. Henne


      Mit Rammstein hätten es vermutlich mehr Leute hier verstanden xD

    2. VanitasTheBest


      Wahrscheinlich, aber von denen kenn ich auch nur die bekanntesten Lieder xD

    3. Henne


      Da geht es dir wie mir.

      Wobei ich vermutlich ohne meine Freunde nicht mal von Rammstein wüsste - so was geht irgendwie häufig an mir vorbei xD

  16. And before Square Enix they were Squaresoft. So what did you try to say?Well, I would most likely spend my whole time explaining to the fanbase that the new Game is actually KH3
  17. I just don't want the kind of Drama we had in BbS... I'm not a fan of that.I'm sure I'll gonna find things I wouldn't have want in the game when it's out, but for now it's only the BbS-Drama thing.
  18. Wasn't one of the goals in KH3D to give Sora and Riku the Ability to travel between worlds on their own... With only their Keyblades? Or was it only to the Sleeping Worlds? I can't really remember that.Well I would like to have the Gummi Ships back, but the Keyblade Gliders are a must-have ... It's hard to decide I just hope it'll be as awesome as usual.
  19. When I first played KH I gave up on trying to fight Clayton nd the big heartless in Deep Jungle... I just wasn't able to beat them o.o I thought my older sister could do it, but she couldn't. And then I gave up and didn't play it for at least 2 years ... When I played it again I realized I didn't have to do anything but jump on the highest point of the map and let Donald and Goofy fight... I was incredibly butthurt x:
  20. I know Tealgamemaster, I watched several Walkthroughs on his channel. He really tries in his Kingdom Hearts Videos to answer the Story-Questions in the Comments Section, but sometimes he needs help with that too It's cool to see that he has this video now (I stopped watching his channel for a few months) ... But I don't like the order how this is explained. I think it's way easier to explain the Story the way it was told to us, the order they were released. I tried to explain many friends of mine the KH Story and everytime I explained someone the events of BbS first they were like "Yeah, sure, whatever you're saying" (I tried that because I like Vanitas so much and many people know that without knowing the Game °-°) ... but when I explained someone KH1 first and then the Story in the Order the games were released they got really interested in it.I think that's how KH works. It's more interesting in the correct order, because the games were made to work in this way
  21. Haha Luxanitas, genius.I'm kinda sad that with X/Y the Spriting Era is gone.. It's still awesome what can be made out of them.I'd like to ask about a fusion of... Scizer and Darkrai 0:
  22. I think Sora, Donald and Goofy ate something in the end of KH3D... Right before Riku woke up and Sora wore these swaggy glasses
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