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Everything posted by VanitasTheBest

  1. My favorites are Punkrock, Rock'n'Roll and Deutschrock Favorite Singer: Farin Urlaub Band: Die Ärzte (Aerzte if someone can't see the letter) Farin Urlaub is the Frontleader of Die Ärzte (German Punkrock Band ) Well, I also like the KH Music very much I nearly like all kinds of music except electro-stuff ~.~
  2. Same here o: Though I really like the idea of this console ~
  3. Hehe I played this game so many times now, when I'm answering honestly I become Riolu or Squirtle, but this time I'm Cyndaquil (I looked in the internet how to become one ) and my Partner this time is a Shinx
  4. I started PMD EOS few weeks ago and said to my friends that i REALLY want a PMD on the 3DS ... I was so hyped as I saw this today I'm really glad that it will be released end of the year in Japan, so I can hope it will be on the TGS for some first trailers.
  5. Or maybe she will have the same training as Lea o: He had this special training with Merlin and co O: She could also do that
  6. I really look forward to see Lea's Fighting Style... Would be great if he shows us what he's got in a fight with Isanort I hope it's kinda really fast ... And his attacks should be as cool as the chakrams I hope this won't gonna be a long time o: I thought the beginning of KH3 would fit right into the Secret Endng (didn't someone said that in an interview?)
  7. I also think it's also kinda that they wanted she to be their Sora o.o Sora should have been a vessel for Xehanort in KH3D, Xion was build to replicate Soras Power (in the end she looked like him) and then they had to decide: Roxas or Sora-Xion ... One of these both would have been a Sora-Like Xehanort-vessel o:
  8. Sorry the Nonsense-ness (Tobuscus woohoo!) from your Topic came over me No offense!
  9. There is also the fact that Sora let his mother wait for him to come to eat! OVER A YEAR! I mean what if she was still waiting after Destiny Island was restored?! Or maybe she was swallowed by darkness and Sora's beaten her Heartless to the ground D: He's such a bad boy D:
  10. Oh, if it was only true ... x: When I think about it, they really behaved like 6 year olds ... Well, never mind, as they said that, I was pretty sure they just wanted to hate me, because I was always saying "KH3D is amazing!" and they're like... they can't stand me (dunno why ) But they didn't give up to say KH3D is the worst game and now I'm pretty sure they're just a bunch of *censored*
  11. Maybe o.o I haven't seen a clue for that but it's possible I think
  12. Nope o: I'm pretty sure Nomura said KH3D is more important or maybe as important as BbS. (Yeah, yeah, I AM searching for this interview ~.~) Punch me if I'm mistaken.
  13. KH3D is just as important as BbS (I think Nomura said it's even a bit more important than BbS, or not? o_o) and Nomura said it's just not a numbered title because of its length, but would you call KH3D a numbered Title? BbS would have been named KH0 or something like that, if it was scheduled to be a Main Title ~ But it wasn't, so IMO it's out of question if it is or not and blah blah
  14. Yeah the Cutscenes at the end are awesome *-* I'm still hyped cause of Young Xehanorts explanations @.@ I think the Disney-Story in each world is really too short, but the whole Xehanization 13 thing compensate it imo It's only called like that, it is also just a Sidegame, isn't it?
  15. Many of my German KH Companions said the Story in KH3D was the worst ever... I don't really know why and I can't understand them, I wanted KH3D since it was announced and my expectations have been met ... I really like the Story cause it adds a very big mysterious part to the KH Universe and it's pretty cool that this Game's center was Riku's growth ~ I have no complains towards the Story
  16. I think his second hug was meant as a distraction ... Riku asked why he's having a Tea Party and Sora: "...... YOU'RE SAFE RIKU!" *hug again* To make sure Riku doesn't mind it anymore I think it's kinda like this
  17. Oh wanna try too O: Erik + x ... Kirex ... Rikex ... Rekix ... Kreix! Got it, call me Kreix
  18. Then read it with attention ~ It's still not determined I thought the order is unimportant, just like 'kill heartless and nobody to make the real Person appear again' o.o
  19. He didn't say "Most of them had weak Heartless" ... He just did note in an Interview they could had weak Heartless ... He NEVER determined something like that
  20. I like the ideas O: The Ground Shaker suits Lexaeus He said they PROBABLY had ~ It's nothing you should take for real
  21. Here's a little game... Just think of burning Flames in the Wind and then think of a KH Character ~ The first you will think of will be Axel/Lea He's just in an opposite way to the Trio ... Sora and co have Names which represent Element, but they don't use these elements ... Lea doesn't have a Name which represent an element, but he uses one therefor ~
  22. As said before ... a HD Collection doesn't exist yet... And TWEWY2 did also just got a mention ... So it's not sure if he's working on something of that o.o Only sure is KH3 and Versus, but KHHD und TWEWY2 = Just Fantasy (yet) EDIT (cutted out a part while copy+paste ^-^'') Well, I don't really want a HD Collection until KH4 is out ~ It would be unnecessary IMO ~ Only thing I would appreciate: 358/2 Days Remaster... I really liked the Story very much and I nearly cryed as nomura said he wants Days with an Analog controller (I just want he same q.q) so that would be nice
  23. Yeah, just sayin... Believe in your Dreams! O: And everything is possible!!
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