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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Sure? ^ Says Derp < Loves Lightning () V Loves Me?
  2. Si ^ Beast Avatar < Loves Lightning (And I'm 200th poster!) V Keyblader, Heartless101, Or Chaosx?
  3. Nope, Sounds nasty. ^ 197th poster < Loves Lightning (Oh so much) V Keyblader?
  4. Yes I am. ^ 16 Rep < Loves Lightning (Can't you tell?) V Leaxel?
  5. I never said anyone is a fanboy. I said "Dear PS3 fanboys out there"
  6. Yes, With a passion. ^ Likes the name Slash < Loves Lightning (Why can't she be real?) V Not Chaosx?
  7. Don't get Kinect, untill GoW3 Comes out for it =D.
  8. Si Senor. ^ Thinks change is good. < Loves Lightning (I neva gonna change!) V Chaosx (again)?
  9. *I did not know where to put this so... yeah* So I decided to make a petition about making a LEGO: Kingdom Hearts and though I would post it here and have all of you wonderful member sign it! Just Imagine... You are Ventus. You are fighting MF, and he Dooms you, Then when the counter hits 0, BAM Ventus Explodes into legos! I sign first! Lightning
  10. Make a thread about it and i'l be the first one to sign it!
  11. Yep (Thank You) ^ Has 150 Posts < Loves Lightning (This REALLY Isn't changing..EVER V Chaosx?
  12. LMAO! That we should start a petition and get everyone on KH13 to sign it!
  13. OMG HOW U KNOW? ^ Names Knifes (F**) JK < Loves Lightning (Boner) V Jennifer Lopez?
  14. HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT (DELETES IM MESSAGES) *ACTS INNOCENT* ^ Not a sniper. < Loves Lightning (*Drool*) V Chaosx?
  15. Tacos FTW! ^ Loves Tacos < Loved Lightning (Why is she so amazing?) V Loves my signature?
  16. I know! But that guy has serious skills!
  17. Always ^ Has a cool squiby < Loves Lightning (I can't stress this enough) V Is a Xbox fanboy?
  18. Nah ^ Boondock saints fan < Loves Lightning (Wouldn't suspect that would you?) V Has more then 20 rep?
  19. Nyu? ^ Has a bad a*s knife as his avatar. V Is the 172nd Poster on this thread?
  20. Nah. ^ Loves eggnog < Loves Lightning (Shes oh so sexy) V Has a squiby in there signature?
  21. Govt labs are beazt. Granted but it ate you. I wish I can be Lightnings boyfriend
  22. NOT granted! I kid. Granted, but they were so beast that they can't play anymore. I wish I had flaming hair that can't hurt anyone, can cook food, and can't be put out.
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