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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. I am not sure if this goes here or in personal... So, I was just wondering if anyone here plans on being in the military or some force when they grow up, and if so, what are your plans? I am a freshmen in High School, and am currently taking the R.O.T.C (Reserve Officer Training Corps) program. I plan on graduating from High School and getting a ROTC scholarship and doing 4 years of College ROTC and then going into the Air Force as an officer instead of going Enlisted out of High School. So what about you guys?
  2. Just a suggestion, maybe there should be like a little "Activity Stream" somewhere on the forums page. Like it says when someone comes online/offline, or whatever else. I hate having to click the IM and scroll through to see who is Online. Just a suggestion.
  3. ^ Thinks roxas is wise. < Loves Lightning (And joins the quest against Bieber.) V Thinks Lightning is hotter than Bieber?
  4. Nope I will always say "Loves Lightning" and No, there is no cure for cheese. ^ Hates Lightning apparently < Loves Lightning (Shes a Goddess) V Batlaust?
  5. Looking good DChiuch. But I also think we should use the calendar.
  6. No Clue ^ Secretly has 70 rep. < Loves Lightning (Secretly has 100 rep. V Gonna tell me something to say?
  7. F YEAH! ^ Has a fan named Lightning < Loves Lightning (-Drool-) V Gonna bake me a cookie?
  8. ITS HORNED MELON! And i didn't call you emo. I'm just saying that the tittle of the post... Oh, wait! I FOUND AN EXPLANATION FOR YOUR BLOOD LICKING! YOU'RE A firetruckING VAMPIRE! NO! BAD! NO VAMPIRES! AND NO SPIDERZ EITHER, I HATE SPIDERZ! HEY WATCH IT! I'm half spider.
  9. Spas-12 FTW. (Not the Call of Duty ones, they make the actual gun look bad.) ^ My accomplice < Loves Lightning (And she loves me!) V Has an iTouch?
  10. Hey welcome. I'm Lightning. And I love Lightning don't know why but I thought I'd let you know. So I hope you enjoy it here. IM/PM me anytime if you need help with anything.
  11. You knowz it! ^ Level 30 Slash. < Loves Lightning (I wonder If they have a Lightning Squiby?) V 247th poster?
  12. Wow thank you and I have a posting problem
  13. Life is about KH. ^ Has a life now. < Loves Lightning (And her awesomeness) V Habla Espanol? ( I think thats how it is lol)
  14. Fasho ^ Now has 69 rep (Secretly 70) < Loves Lightning V LOVES ME!
  15. Im officially commiting suicide.
  16. Nope. ^ Punches Lightning and she will die. (JK) < Loves Lightning (SO MUCH) V 68 rep?
  17. Yes, I am listening to Ventus theme ^ No life. < Loves Lightning V Loves Ventus Theme?
  18. Sorry I didnt see your post No I live in U.S.A ^ Should feel loved. < Loves Lightning V Gonna get a rep?
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