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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Nah I won't. But I have to rule it with you. ^ Will rules the world < Loves Lightning (And will rule the world) V Beast?
  2. Yes... And no don't change it. ^ Instigator < Loves Lightning V Going to come to my house and give me a brownie?
  3. Course I will! ^ Avatar is making my computer lag < Loves Lightning (Who Doesn't) V American?
  4. Very nice. I am a freshman and an Airman First-Class (air force ROTC) But my rank is only low cuz im 9th grader. Next year I am guaranteed a staff position, or a commander, even though Im such a low rank now. I can't be any higher than I am, untill next year.
  5. Yup ^ Has a facebook? < Loves Lightning (And her facebook) V Likes Lightnings facebook?
  6. Ummm... ^ Maybe a friend. < Loves Lightning (And all her sexyness) V Gangster?
  7. Ok, thanks for the advice.
  8. Well how long do you think we should wait?
  9. Well I don't remember alot of stuff from 10 years ago. But when you live on a little island and interact with 4 other people your entire life, you tend to remember more...
  10. Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 3 weeks and 3 days. We always hold hands when we walk together and she always tells me she loves me. But she seems like she doesn't want to kiss me. When someone says she should she kinda walks away or changes the subject. I was just wondering how long we should wait before a first kiss.
  11. Nuuu sorry. ^ 66 Rep < Loves Lightning (Who is a character from FF13) V Loves Lightning?
  12. 8D Lightning McQueen <3 You is now Journy cuz ur in journalism
  13. That was a test demo to show KH in 3d, it is completely non-canon, and had nothing to do with the actual game.
  14. the last person who called me thunder was shocked by LIGHTNING U are now, Unari Hige
  15. I'm not a girl, gay, or ETERNA, but I reccomend you get someone to ask him, if he is gay, and if he is, move on from there.
  16. Soda9 I. Hate. You. JK. I <3 RoxAs Is Wise.
  17. Nah. ^ 20 Rep < Loves Lightning V Eth?
  18. Ok...? ^ Scares me. < Loves Lightning (SO Original) V Thinks Bieber is hotter than Lightning?
  19. you know it. You are quite the artist.
  20. May I be the first to welcome you. Hows eet goin?
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