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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. I do not believe so. ^ RoxasStalker < Loves Lightning V Loves me?
  2. Lol well for ME it just started like 30 Mins ago.
  3. Maybe. But it started randomly and its happening ALOT
  4. Error 1: MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. SQL Error: 1203 - User dchiuch_dchiuch already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections Query: [READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server Please contact the MyBB Group for support. Error 2: This http request has been decliend due to the web site you are connecting to exeeding its number of http connections allowed. If you are the webmaster this is normally seen when offering large files for downloads, thus causing many clients to have prolongued connections to the web server while downloads complete. This message will be cleared once the level of concurrent connections is reduced. What is going on? I keep getting these 2 error messages. It is only on the forums too.
  5. Wait are you OFFICIALLY with both of them? Or do you just have feelings for them and hang out alot? I know that alot of people said I had a "Girlfriend" and she was just a friend I ALWAYS hung out with.
  6. How much is it to Import BBSFM to America? Like with the huge shipping cost, how much would it come out to?
  7. I have every game currently out except for Re:Coded. I will always be a fan of KH, but in all honesty, I'm done buying their games. I am so sick of them ALWAYS switching consoles, and honestly, I am not made of money... YouTube play throughs are enough for me.
  8. when did axel say that are you serious? He says that line almost the entire game in both KH2 and 358/2 Days... He says it almost EVERY TIME he attacks... OMG yes.
  9. Not really. But in KH2 I hated when Axel would say "Burn baby Burn!"
  10. Void Gear. You have no spells except Curaga, you don't need the magic boost. And Void Gear looks sick.
  11. No one But me and TxA34 both live in San Antonio
  12. I hope the Xehanort saga ends soon. I hate it when they keep one story going on for like 7-10 games... in my opinion it woulda been great had KH2 been the last game in the story line. Everyone was happy and back together...
  13. Somethings you need to understand about guys. (NOT ALL, BUT SOME, SO NO OFFENSE TO ANY GUYS WHO ARENT LIKE THIS): 1) Some guys might like a girl and start dating her, but there friends think he can "do better" and they kinda pressure him to dump the girl. And sometimes he does. Just a bad thing that happens, especially in Middle/High school. I would know this because my friends tell me I can do better than my girlfriend. 2) Some guys think when you have been dating a girl for a while, that they should move there relationship to "the next level". I think you know what that means. I doubt this is it, but you never know. 3) Things change. He might have liked you alot at one point in time, and now, it's different. Not saying this is it, but, it could be.
  14. I agree with MX. And Antrium. I don't think it should happen and it sickens me as well. But "Hating" it is a waste of time. I mean, you can not like it, or even oppose it, but hate doesn't solve anything.
  15. To my gift reciever, Im having trouble uploading the gift I made, I had planned to upload it on christmas day, but My computer is getting annoying. Sorry, I will try to get it done today. EDIT: Merry Christmas Cellar Door! I know its not much, but my computer wasnt working right, so I spent hours on an iPod touch using like 10 different apps.
  16. Waverly Place! I <3 Selena Gomez. But of course im sure they only do animated disney shows/movies for there worlds.
  17. Fasho. ^ Felicitas < Loves Lightning V Chaosx or Felicitas?
  18. SO you know spanish? Mhmmm... Llamo not Lammo... but ok. Anyways Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy it here
  19. I DON'T get this. The sky IS blue... Is this like an insider joke or what?
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