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luckey charm

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Everything posted by luckey charm

  1. she wasn't, but maybe it somehow got there, I donno the subject just interest me. soooooooooo eh... but hey, It might be, and I might not be. all I can say is that I saw something that looked like it, so I posted this eh......
  2. I didn't say that it was in that vid, I said it was the place. and I'm looking at pic's of heartless right now to see if there's a heartless that looks like her armor. hm................................................ What could it be? sorry if I sound mean. and it was just a question.
  3. The only way I found it was looking at my t.v. when me and my dad were playing it and then when days came out we finished it, we saw her armor and said "Hey, that looks like the armor in Hollow Bastion that we could find a heartless to." so That's how I saw it. Oh if there's a heartless that looks like here armor, than that might explain it, or maybe the creators said "We should have some armor in KH2 and then have a boss in a new game have it?" I donno, i just looked like it all. Sorry if this sounded mean and you might have to look on youtube cause I don't remember where I saw it. and I'll try to look for it so u can see okay? and yes, it is all confusing, but if you look in the back round you can see it, but I don't remember when it was, I just remember knowing where, and what world.
  4. I don't care if this is stupid, it's just a question! In KH2, hallow bastion (Sorry, don't know how to spell the world) if you look real closely were the battle is, and were Axel tells them about Xenmas, you can see what looks like Xion's armor. IS it like the remands? Because when Roxas defeated Xion, her armor was no where to be found, so was it like, it went in Hallow Bastion? Please comment if you want, I'll get a vid from youtube that show's it if you look closely.
  5. Xion, or Yuffie. because I'm like them combined.
  6. blue why dose my dad want to pay me 200 bucks to sleep in a grave yard on Halloween?
  7. because the cloud's need to cry Why dose kingdom hearts funny? (Cool siggy BTW)
  8. because your not the awesome why can't I have a pet shark?
  9. okay so, same thing with the last chapter, people say's it's awesome, but they don't post it so PLEASE PLEASE POST WHAT YOU THINK I DON'T CARE IF IT'S CID OR A COMPLIMENT Sorry if I spell anything wrong. and sorry because there will be a lot of (interruption's). Enjoy Chapter 3: oh no When Kairi jumped into the water, she could fell the nice, cold water go on her skin, it felt so refreshing. Namine, isn't this nice? Kairi thought, but she wasn't expecting a response, and she didn't get one. when she returned to the surface, she missed the nice, cold water on her face, but she needed air. Then she noticed that Sora wasn't above the water, so she went under. He wasn't there ether, so she rose up to catch her breath. "Riku, do you know where Sora is?" Riku was looking down at the water when Kairi asked the question. Then he heard her he looked up, "Nope, I don't see him anywhere." That was a lie, Riku knew where Sora was, he was going to make a sneak attack on Kairi and Riku didn't want to miss it, so he kept his mouth shut. Kairi started to worry, Sora was no were to be founded, then Riku said something. "Look out there's a shark in the water." Kairi knew what he ment, but before she could turn around, Sora grabbed her waste, ( because she went up to shallow water's so her waste was barley available.) dragged her into deeper water's, and pulled her down under water with him. Kairi's reaction was happy, till something scraped her leg and made her bleed. When Sora saw the blood he made them shoot up. The water rushing fast on the face as they went up. (Because they went deep down.) When they finally got up to the surface, Kairi's hole leg was bleeding, what ever scrapped her leg, it scraped it way to deep. When Riku saw the blood, and were it was coming from, he swam over to Sora and Kairi as fast as he could. Kairi's leg was gushing blood, (I know I doesn't really make sense but just go with it. okay?) and she was crying cause it hurt so much then Riku got to them. "Saor what happen?" Sora just picked up Kairi wedding style and said, "I donno but, we need to just get Kairi out of the water." Riku nodded and Sora Swam till his feet could though the ground and Riku swam all the way. When they got to shore, They laded Kairi on her towel, and went into her bag to see if she had anything to help. Kairi on the other hand was balling, and Riku was trying to make her feel better, witch he failed. "Sora can't we just use a potion or cure?" asked Riku holding her hand. Sora was still digging though her bag, "No were out." Sora said sadly. "Well anything in her bag that can help her heel?" Riku didn't want Kairi to suffer any longer. Sora stopped and lend back, "No" Sora said as he looked to the ground. Kairi pointed to her purse's, Sora saw this and he unzipped her purse, and saw a first ad kit. Sora with out thinking grabbed it and ran to Kairi. He did everything and put a bandage on here, Kairi stop crying too. "Kairi, what cut you?" Riku asked very so curious. "I donno, all I know is it was the same feeling when a shadow cut's your back." This made Sora and Riku made and worried. "Come on Kairi let's take you home, can you walk?" Asked Sora as he put everything back in her bag, and purse. "Um.." Kairi got up but she needed Riku to help her walk. "No, I need some one to help me, so if you guy's come then yeah." Kairi said with a smile. Sora put her purse in her bag and took the bag to Kairi , "Of cores we'll come right, Riku?" Riku nodded, they got there clothes back on (Kairi put her next pair of cloth's on over her swim suit.) and they left. When they got to Kairi's house it was 1:00 P.M. according to Riku's watch. They knocked on the door all scared of what Kairi's dad would say. Man, Her dad already hate's your gut's Sora, this won't make it any better Roxas said to Sora. Sora knew he was right, this wouldn't make anything better. Then Kairi's mom answered the door, that was one of the best thing's that happen to them. "Oh my, what happen?" Kairi's mom asked as she got out of the way so they could come in. Kairi's dad was in the bathroom so he didn't know what happen. The all sat down on the couch wall her mom got some water. "Are all you guy's okay, what happen?" asked Kairi's mom oh so very worried. Sora and Riku hang there heads, how could they tell her. Then Kairi's dad came in, and when he saw the to boy's and Kairi bleeding, his head grew redder than an apple. hehehehe aren't I mean. please comment sorry it was short. and have a very merry Christmas :D 8)
  10. because they would do the same to u! why can't my dog be smart
  11. cuz it hate's us whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy why can't kh be real
  12. I think all cut scene's are important, but Roxas vs. Riku, and Xion's death were the most important!
  13. cuz I'm not a Jenine, why can't Xion kill Roxas, b-4 he killed her
  14. because you'd kill money (I donno) why can't roxas be a puppy?
  15. KAIRI'S POV "where am I?" was all Kairi could say, then she recognized the place. It was the jail that she was held in when Namine came to save here. Then she heard someone walking to the cage. She got up to see who it was, it was. Saix.
  16. As soon as Xenmas left, everybody got there Key blade's back. And people who didn't have a weapon before, such as Linteum, Selphie, and Namine, they all got weapon's, Namine got chain's. Selphie got num chuck's, and Linteum got a sword. they all fought, until They heard someone scream, it was Kairi's scream. When they got to where the scream was coming from they saw Kairi and Xenmas.
  17. ''Ah...... Linteum, is that it? you look a lot like Xion, hm." Linteum was confused, but he went with it. "Now Xenmas, why do you want to hurt Sora, and what do you have against Kairi?" Asked King Mickey
  18. "And yes, we will do that unless we can think of some other why to hurt Sora." Roxas was getting mad, Xion was like a sister to him, and he hatted that he killed her, but no one was going to kill Kairi. Then Riku got back the memories of Xion, and then he noticed that Xenmas was going to do anything to hurt Sora in any way, and that Xenmas really hatted Kairi
  19. Then Roxas got a flash as he was inside of Sora memories, but he didn't have the same flash, this was him and Xion at the Clock tower talking about Axel. The, it hit him, all the memories were coming back to him. "Your gonna use her, just like how you use Xion, and then your gonna have someone kill her aren't you?" Asked Roxas, hurt because he remember what he did to Xion, and he didn't want that to happen to Kairi.
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