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Everything posted by ergman

  1. aperantly, after KH3 (i fthey keep going) it will be someone else. i forget where i heard that tho.
  2. so, in kh1, the guy at the hostel, whats up with him? if i look at a picture and then ring his bell he'll say that if i ever stay, to hit the clock... what does that mean? is this some secret I missed?
  3. im pretty sure mickey mouse was the original hero, who would save sora.
  4. but you would supposedly be switching back and forth smoothly between them! that would be the craziest boss battle ever!
  5. when I saw the first trailer for this, i thought she would be in 3d, but i guess its just riku and sora. shame, they're the 3 main charecters, you should be able to play as them.
  6. for what? monsters? scorpions? spikes? YOU? and i think i would like sora+riku+kairi, since they are the 3 main charecters, and its about damn time kairi DID something
  7. goofy or donald or both die.
  8. that would jus make my day! siinging here: erg
  9. come to think of it, riku takes one of roxas' keyblades too. maybe thats just something he can do?
  10. well,yeah. thats pretty obv. to me. I wonder what yen sids keyblade looked like.
  11. lol to this whole thing. what could one man mean?
  12. do you begin every sentance with fool? ive never seen otherwise. i like it. it has style.
  13. since this theory is very weird and almost anti-canon, i dont expect anyone to agree, but i while playing days, i had a thought. everyone says that nobodies cant have emotions, because they dont have hearts, right? they say that they only pretend to have feelings by remembering there past lives. i dissagree with this. (gasp) I think that the nobodies have it wrong about themselves. I think they do have feelings, but they dont believe it. my 'evidence' of this is that for 1, all the nobodies have very strong personalities, and display there emotions alot. but they're in denile or something. axel often laughs and then says things about how he isn't actually being happy or something. what do you think?
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