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Everything posted by freer709

  1. I'd buy a Vita just for a Dissidia game... Fingers crossed.
  2. Yesterday i was cleaning up my old PC to see if it still works. It does, but it wanted a password. After like 20 tries i tought "what if the password is password" It was. Never have i laughed so hard in my life...

  3. Don't give Guy weapon, he does a lot more damage bare fisted. At least i remember so. I not 100% sure, it's been like 3-4years last time i played the game.
  4. Four: Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX
  5. "All terrestrial analogue stations stopped broadcasting on 1 September 2007 after introducing digital television; cable providers were allowed to continue analog broadcasting in their networks until 1 March 2008." -Wikipedia Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in_Finland
  6. Analog TV? We haven't had that here in Finland since 2008...
  7. -KHFM: 29/56 (43%)-RE:COM: 9/48 (13%)-DAYS: 6/6 (100%) TOTAL: 44/110 Not even half way there...
  8. KHFM down, Re:CoM 6th floor on Sora & I haven't started watching 358/2 Days yet.
  9. I'll get it on my birthday.
  10. KH FM Sure. It's easy, but time consuming. Re:Com. Never played that but i try...
  11. Here: https://www.facebook.com/KingdomHearts?fref=ts
  12. Saints Row the Third, download 33% Complete (after 5 hours)... This is going to take a while.....

    1. I♥KH



    2. Shana09


      buy the dildo melee weapon

      it works wonders

  13. PlayStation Plus is amazing. Why haven't i subscribed to this before?

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      How is it?

    2. The_eternal_nothing


      lol read the status

    3. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      How is it, besides amazing. What can you do with it?

  14. Watching the Sixth Sense.

    1. freer709


      I know that, it's not my first time watching it :P


    2. Demyx.


      damn. Here I thought I was gonna ruin it for you.

    3. Caity


      I've never watched it and I knew his character is a ghost. It's hard to miss it when it's mentioned on every comedy

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. -Star Wars: Battlefront -Final Fantasy XV -Kingdom Hearts III
  16. Probably same reason why they changed Final Fantasy Agito XIII to Final Fantasy Type-0.
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