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Everything posted by kingdumbfarts

  1. Granted. but you stop procrastinating so much u didnt have anytime for kh13 And You Exploded I wish For Kh13 To Be Even better
  2. I DONT KNOW WTF THAT IS but Granted. but you explode i wish for V*gina!!!
  3. Granted. but you didnt get any sleep so u died!!! i wish that i had a slave
  4. Granted. but to get it u lost your hands i wish you DIE!!!
  5. Granted. but there was so much info it filled up you screen. i wish for a house. that would not burn down or be hit by a tornado
  6. http://massmultiverse.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/wtf.jpg
  7. here's how this works i put up a picture that say something or means something and you respond
  8. granted. but you were so fat you can get up the stairs so you slept on the floor (and your replay sucked theres no zombies in crackdown) i wish for a twinkie
  9. granted. but you exploded i wish i ha the agancy super car from crackdown
  10. Please tell me how i'm doing on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BFUSMRR4Aw
  11. Well where i'm at it's 7:55 and guess what no earthquake. And If this isn't true how can 2012 be?
  12. www.youtube.com/user/pokeboner
  13. Cus da las time i eat your food i got da rice chicken meat tofu now i poop while im peein

  14. Hello Im a Korean

  15. Chuck norris,dosent need a weap HIS IS ONE!!!
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