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Everything posted by KHlover12

  1. *kisses TJwolf123 with all the passion the world has*
  2. *Kisses Macroxen so passionately the dinosaurs come back to life and everyone owns them like in the Flinstones*
  3. I hated in KH2 when fighting Demyx and he kept say "like it?" and When fighting Xigbar his one saying sounded like "hey lilo" and to this day I can't figure out what he said ....
  4. But I hate seeing people sad *kisses Macroxen with so much passion everyone is happy*
  5. *Kisses chaosx with so much passion his avvy cheers up *
  6. What 9000!!!! *kisses chaosx with so much passion the scouter can even read it's power level*
  7. *kisses Chaosx with so much passion the infection becomes a worldwide epidemic the swine flu gets jealous*
  8. *Kisses Chaosx with so much passion that I forgot the clever description I had thought up of*
  9. *kisses Chaosx with so much passion that my creativity for describing the intensity of the passion is gone*
  10. No one deserves to be dead for no reason Mac *Kisses Macroxen so passionately that Google can't define it*
  11. *kisses Macroxen with so much passion Kingdumbfarts comes back to life*
  12. *kisses both* yet again this has turned violent
  13. LOLZ that's a fun way to think of him *kisses Chaosx as we attack Bieber*
  14. *kisses kingdumbfarts passionately and goes back to hitting Bieber* (I'm in a Bieber hating mood right now can you tell?)
  15. *kisses Chaosx for 4 more days then hitchhikes to LA and slaps Justin Bieber until he hits puberty*
  16. *kisses kingdumbfarts *great name by the way) then kisses Sephiroth than laughs at Vexen getting owned then skips happily back to PA where she belongs*
  17. *kisses Chaosx with so much passion Justin Bieber decides it is okay the world knows he is really a girl*
  18. I'm not so sure "party" is the correct term for this but welcome anyway! *kisses Gizelita with so much passion Oprah goes poor*
  19. Well this suddenly got violent...*kisses Macroxen with enough passion he forgot he got punched 3 times*
  20. I can do better *kisses with so much passion that Sephiroth skips and throws roses everywhere*
  21. *rolls eyes and kisses with so much passion that the organization comes back and kills themselves out of jealousy*
  22. you again lol *kisses TJwolf123 with so much passion Barak Obama makes it a National holiday*
  23. *kisses TJwolf123 with as much passion a straight girl can*
  24. *kisses TJwolf123 with so much Passion Justin Bieber hits puberty*
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