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Everything posted by KHlover12

  1. Having to go to work on such a beautiful day is such a hurt :(

    1. Kirie


      What kind of job you have?

    2. KHlover12


      I'm a waitress at a retirement community the old people there are worse then anything they are always cranky and demanding but hey it's a job

  2. In case you didn't get this post may have some spoilers so read with caution. Like many of us, I've watched the ending of 3D and I've been really fixated by the statement, “the 13 Darknesses will have to face the 7 Lights,” (or vise versa I'm sure the content is the same both ways). Even since this new statement was brought up I started scratching my head at the idea of who/what the 13 darknesses and the 7 lights were. Now numerous people have come up with the theory that the 7 Lights are the 7 keyblade wielders: Sora Riku Mickey Aqua 5. Lea Ven (?) Kairi (?) For Kairi, Ven and also Terra, I'm not too sure about. I know the Secret ending hinted at Kairi being a big part and she is a keyblade wielder so it does make sense; however the one thing that doesn't make sense is that she is a princess of heart which would make her one of targets Xehnort is after, so why would anyone risk putting her into battle. I will elaborate more on this point in a little bit. The only reason I question Terra is because of his heart being locked in it's own battle with Xehnort so for the sake of it I will say that he is not included in the 7 lights because Xehnort is counting him out already. I mean logically thinking if you took over someone's heart and had a sadistic mind like Xehnort wouldn't you feel a sense of confidence in your own power? Now Ven is a little easier to believe. If he is asleep and his heart is resting inside Sora, then once his heart is returned to him and he is woken up then he should be counted amongst the 7 lights. This leads me to question, what about Roxas and Xion? Now Xion is easy to see why she would not be counted among them; she is essentially the broken memories of Sora's heart; therefore if she was to somehow able to join the battle, she would not be considered an actual Keyblade wielder since her ability to wield the keyblade was solely obtained due to her status of being a replica. For Roxas on the other hand, I'm not entirely sure. As I usually find myself doing when it comes down to matter of Roxas and Namine I consult this one theory that actually made a bit of sense: http://forums.khinsider.com/handheld-entries/149593-roxas-namine-revisted.html (yes I used khinsider but this theory kind of gets you thinking a bit more. Please read it in order to fully understand where the rest of this theory leads. Shall we continue?) Now according to Gelandporn (formally known as Grass), Roxas has a part of Ven's fractured heart within him. This makes sense seeing that Roxas does display a range of emotions that a normal nobody would lack and his appearance is kind of a dead hint at Ven being a part of him. Now if this is true once Roxas and Ven finally join together then Ven will be the Ven we knew in the beginning of Birth By Sleep and would be counted among the 7 lights. Now back to Kairi. How can she as a Princess of Heart be recommended to go into battle with the 13 darknesses especially if she herself is harboring one of the seven scattered pieces of the X-Blade? This had me thinking for quite some time now and while re-reading Grass's theory it kind of hit me. What if like Grass/Gelandporn suggest is true, “Namine is a personified fragment of Kairi’s light containing the spell Aqua cast on her. When Namine returned to Kairi, this completed her.” Now where I'm going with, think back to Hollow Bastion that whole mess that went down when the Keyblade to People's Hearts released Kair's Heart from Sora and presumably created Namine in the process if what Grass/Gelandporn suggest is the correct assumption then maybe the fragment of light that was extracted from Kairi was the exact fragment of the X-blade which in turn would make Namine the one unknowingly holding the X-blade fragment and in a sense protecting it from Xehanort due to his lack of knowledge of her possessing it because to him, Namine is the nobody of Kairi. I probably missed some key things while comparing this theory to the new information provided for us by 3D but I encourage you to at least read the first post in the theory; however throughout the thread she does make other points in order to elaborate on her theory making it even more plausible. Well that is a theory that I give credit to Grass/Gelandpron for thinking up. Now onto the 13 Darkness which is something I haven't really put much thought in recently, I wanted to get the 7 lights out of the way first before tackling the more vague “army” for lack of a better name. From what I've gotten out of this I can infer that all forms of Xehnort will be present in the battle: Master Xehanort Apprentice Xehanort Young Xehanort Terranort (I'm not sure if he would be considered the same as AX) Xemnas Ansem Seeker of Darkness Briag Isa Vanitas (?) Mysterious Figure (? yet again not too sure if he would be counted as another Xehanort) Maleficent (? why not I mean she's willing to do anything to conqure to worlds so we can't exactly put it past Xehanort to recruit her) Pete (another possibility I mean we all know what Maleficent does he does too) Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed (clearly towards the end of this list I've run out of ideas) I'm trying to think is there anyone else besides Ansem the Wise who has golden eyes because I feel like the golden eyes would give a hint as to who is included in the 13 darkness. Now I open the floor to all of you. I apologize for this being so long and I thank you for taking the time to read all this mumbo jumbo
  3. Has anyone pulled any good April Fools pranks off yet?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. darkchaser


      nope but i did like what youtube did xD

    3. KHlover12


      what were they? I'm jealous I can not pull pranks off for my life lol


    4. darkchaser
  4. I'm not saying anyone is wrong or right but, it is probably wise to wait until a more reliable translation is out or a couple more translations arise that way you can compare them. I say this from experience, it is extremely hard to get an exact translation from one language to another especially English since it has so many words with numerous definitions.
  5. Some guys just really can not get the hint. How do you tell someone you're not interested without being mean?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. replika13


      hard to say when im guy myself xD

    3. Koko


      just tell them straight up. if they get hurt thats their own problem

    4. King Riku

      King Riku

      If being nice gets you nowhere, try the honest way. "It's not me, it's you."

  6. Tomorrow is the apeeal meeting to see if my little sister's (and my former) high school have a change to stay open after raising more then a million dollars and an increase in enrollment we'll see how it all fares out hopefully it works in our favor. A big THANK YOU to everyone who signed the petition you all are amazing!

  7. It's been a while since I've posted so why not? One with the big hipster frames from my halloween costume and one without them
  8. It's called a Surry its kind of like a bike. It is usually found in the mornings in places like the Jersey shores and other places with boardwalks. They are kind of like bike go carts they are two bikes put together with benches kind of like the frame to the first cars. Its pretty hard to explain but I'm sure if you google Surreys then it'll give you a better answer
  9. i Think that's the maximum people but if we can get a significant amount of people to sign it by March 2012 the archdiocese will keep it open If You're signing this thank you so much you do not know how much this helping Juliette (my sister ) and her friends. They wanted me to thank all of you for your support and want you all to know how much all the bambies at St Hubert appreciate this. You all are amazing keep up the good working the archbishop is starting to consider appealing the decision which is a big step since he and his committee originally said no matter what their decision was final. Once again you guys are the best!
  10. Okay I'm not sure if this should go in personal or real life but it's a big thing and I could really use everyone's help here. My beloved High school is in danger of closing. We got word from the head of all the schools today that come June 2012 St. Huberts High school will be closed. It is an all girls school and although I graduated 2 years ago my little sister is still there. It is her Junior year and if they do close the school, she will not be able to graduate next year. The decision is not final yet. If the alumni, students and others can prove that the school deserves to stay open it will. Please sign the petition in the link. I promise this is not a scam and it really does mean alot to me and my fellow Bambies (our mascot). Thank you in advance you guys are amazing http://www.change.org/petitions/arch-bishop-charles-chaput-re-open-saint-hubert-catholic-high-school-for-girls
  11. So now that Christmas has offically came to everyone who celebrates it...how was the big man for everyone?

  12. If you duel major in advertisement/marketing along with another form of art (my opinion would be digital art) you could probably land a pretty awesome job working in the advertising department of a big company. I mean who do you think designs the billboards and websites for those companies? And from what I hear people who do that tend to make a lot not that money really should effect your final decion nothing should stop you from doing what you are passionate about.
  13. I hate the fact that Halloween was yesterday and stores are already decorated for christmas and playing christmas music...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sora's Baby
    3. Naroco


      I hate that too, but its business. People are greedy so they rush things like christmas shopping

    4. Sora's Baby

      Sora's Baby

      I agree it's greed.

  14. Kait looked at Dusk, "let go of me is that anyway to treat a lady," she said wiggling free of his grip. "I'm not here to hurt you. In fact I'm here to help. You see I'm from a couple years in the future I was sent back in time by my father Silver and my mother Blaze to try and stop this world from being taken over so my world can go back to being peaceful." (For those of you that are familiar with DBZ she's kind of like Trunks from the Android saga)
  15. Kait hid in the shadows of the room where the group walked into. 'Sonic?' she thought to herself remembering her father talk about his friend from the past. 'If these people know Sonic then they have to be good guys. Is it safe to tell them about the future? Maybe they could help me save it.' She kept thinking to herself.
  16. Kait looked around noticing there weren't too many Mobians around. She did see two walk into a building and decided to follow them. 'Maybe they know a way to help me,' she thought to herself .
  17. "Do you understand your mission, Kait?" Silver the hedgehog asked looking at his daughter who nodded. "I can't believe we're sending you. You're too young," Blaze said hugging her. "Mom, trust me I can do this. Besides, they need you both, here. This war is getting to out of hand could you imagine what it would be like if the two most important leaders just vanished?" She said proving her point. "Remember you need to prevent this from happening or at least stop it from getting as bad as it is. Stop Dianna from taking control of New Mobian City. If you can prevent her from doing that you can stop you can prevent her from taking over our kingdom," Silver said as Kait stepped into a pod. "I've got it father," she said before the glass of the pod closed over her. "Now go, and make us proud my dear," Blaze said hitting a button that made Kait disappear from the pod..... The next thing Kait knew, she was in a strange place. 'This must be New Mobian City,' she thought to herself walking around. 'I wonder what the situation is here. Has Dianna already taken over?' she continued to think to herself not watching where she was going.
  18. some one really wanted pancakes O.O ....In all seriousness, this is a sad tragedy but people have to recognize this stuff happens a lot of the time in many places especially places in which people are so desperate that they will begin to act on impulse and fear. I think these though economic times are what caused this not 2012 or anything like that. People just have to understand that things "need to get worse before they get better" and eventually everything will turn out for the better.
  19. I'm from a pretty religious family and I understand why some people would reject the idea of gay marriage, but I myself see nothing wrong with it. Yes, the bible does say that marriage is between a man in a women; however it also says that god sent down a flood to kill humanity for wrong doings. Most of the things in the bible are meant to teach a lesson not be taking literally. Also and I guess I could be bashed by some people for this but doesn't it say or isn't it understood that God loves his people regardless of humanity. That being said couldn't the same thing be said for people in regards to their sexuality. To make a long story short, I think as creations of God, we are each special and and if he has allowed us to see someone of the same gender in a sexual way so be it. From a religious stand point, a relationship should be between three people, the two individuals directly involved in the relationship and God himself, no one else should have an opinion.
  20. Slaving for the old people at my work for the next 8 hours :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KHlover12


      Apparently being a complete jerk to your waitress and acting like a bratty two year old does give you authority...

    3. deathnight55


      Oh then in that case they can retire and give the restuarant to someone nicer.

    4. KHlover12


      hahaha that would work but i work at a retirement community serving them in their restaurant

      there so it's a lose lose situation for me :(

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