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Everything posted by Multifridgeman

  1. Pffft, there's no challenge/fun in beating him like that. I beat him fair and square the old fashioned way. By whacking him with a giant key.
  2. That's a tough question D: I'd have to go with Ars Arcanum/Ars Solum. Nothing can beat a back-breaking combo like that. ...except maybe a bruiser o.o
  3. Instead of using your thumb for the multi-pushing ones, use your index finger. But instead of pushing, make your finger sort of... vibrate. O_O I know it sounds wrong, but it works. If you do it right, you should be able to get a large about of hits in quick succession.
  4. New theory. The Realm of Darkness is overlooked by Castle Oblivion. I guessed this because... well, it sits in the middle of the Realm of Darkness! The Realm of Light is overlooked by Disney Castle. I came to this conclusion from thinking of the Cornerstone of Light. The Castle That Never Was is the space between, or something like that. I'm not gonna go rambling on about 'nothing' -badum tsss- I think all of these places are connected somehow. The Badlands and the Crossroads also have to fit in there, but I'v run out of ideas. o.o
  5. I think you're onto something... kinda.Also Disney Castle, because Sora used some sort of portal to get from there to the badlands. It might have something to do with the Cornerstone of Light (haven't really thought much of that thing seeing as Timeless River was so annoying). And to the very imaginative person who thought that the Keyblade Graveyard was in Pride Lands... can I have some of whatever you're on? The Keyblade Graveyard is a whole world! And if it was in Pride Lands, why didn't Terra come along and firetruck up Lion Sora when he was still learning to run straight?
  6. The Keyblade Graveyard (judging by it's position to Radiant Garden) is in about the same place as The World That Never Was is in Kingdom Hearts 2? They also both have Kingdom Hearts shining above them. Please note that I haven't seen the secret ending, so this isn't true, as far as I know. Don't spoil it for me either, if it is actually true ;_;
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