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About KHMagic777

  • Birthday March 13

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  • Member Title
    Rachazz on deviantART
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  1. I have a deviantART account ^^ http://www.rachazz.deviantart.com/ I submit alot of varied artwork, but I have alot of KH art
  2. Who here has a deviantART account? :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KHMagic777


      Oh cool :D Thanks ^^

    3. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      I use mine a lot, in fact I'm actually on mine right now xD I love going on dA

    4. KHMagic777


      Awesomeness :D I do too! I'm on now xD

  3. I think my fave would be Xion's Theme. =)
  4. You know.... thats kinda mean... BUT ANYWAYS KH RULES.
  5. Wow. Ive never noticed that before... Probably cuz I havent seen cutscenes or even PLAYED CoM. well now you know AWESOME!
  6. Wow. Ive never noticed that before... Probably cuz I havent seen cutscenes or even PLAYED CoM.
  7. Well, most of the time he does. Im going to have Peter and Goofy in my party. Goofy's MP Gift is my life scource in Kingdom Hearts when Im out of MP.
  8. Hm, just give one to Goofy then, and the rest to Sora. Really, the only advice I can give you is in the first post I made, as I can't entirely remember what Accessories you should have. Ok thanks.
  9. Uuuhhhhh..... Lets see.... I have the Crystal Crown, Angel Bangle and..... something else that raises HP I think equipped. If this isn't what I should use please give me your ideas. Yeah the Crystal Crown is a good one, I personally would recommend using anything that boosts MP or Defense, I don't know of any Elemental attacks he has, so I wouldn't worry to much about that, perhaps the Phantom's attacks are Dark-based? So are you saying I should keep the Crystal Crown on? And should I use it with Goofy and Peter? You know, I personally have no idea, I haven't fought that battle for a while now, perhaps you should equip it to Goofy so he can use his MP Gift ability a few more times. Because I have about 2 or 3 Crystal Crowns, how many should I equip on Goofy? More or less? Could you remind me what stats that gives you again? I actually cant remember... sorry.
  10. I'm pretty sure its what people call his 'Death/DOOM' move thing. (You get a timer on your head and if the timer runs out..... That person is GONE FOREVER!)
  11. Uuuhhhhh..... Lets see.... I have the Crystal Crown, Angel Bangle and..... something else that raises HP I think equipped. If this isn't what I should use please give me your ideas. Yeah the Crystal Crown is a good one, I personally would recommend using anything that boosts MP or Defense, I don't know of any Elemental attacks he has, so I wouldn't worry to much about that, perhaps the Phantom's attacks are Dark-based? So are you saying I should keep the Crystal Crown on? And should I use it with Goofy and Peter? You know, I personally have no idea, I haven't fought that battle for a while now, perhaps you should equip it to Goofy so he can use his MP Gift ability a few more times. Because I have about 2 or 3 Crystal Crowns, how many should I equip on Goofy? More or less?
  12. nvm forget me last post (suggested) and give yourself 2 crystal crowns and atlas armlet goofy something that gives him defence and mp and enough ap for good abilitys peter i dont know for me he is always the phantoms 1st victim so dont give him your best items you could use the accesorys that i used Yeah Peter will always be the first victim I know that. I dont know why though. I goes Peter, Goofy then Sora and its GAME OVER (Learnt from many experiences)
  13. Ok, BASICALLY I have the Omega Arts, Crystal Crown and the Angel Bangle equipped. Should I change ANY of them to something else?
  14. Uuuhhhhh..... Lets see.... I have the Crystal Crown, Angel Bangle and..... something else that raises HP I think equipped. If this isn't what I should use please give me your ideas. Yeah the Crystal Crown is a good one, I personally would recommend using anything that boosts MP or Defense, I don't know of any Elemental attacks he has, so I wouldn't worry to much about that, perhaps the Phantom's attacks are Dark-based? So are you saying I should keep the Crystal Crown on? And should I use it with Goofy and Peter?
  15. Dunno... About 2 or 3 Crystal Crowns and I think the accessory I couldn't remember was the Omega Arts.
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