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Everything posted by Pandora2721

  1. The Con was awesome!!!!

  2. YES!!! The Con is tomorrow~~~!!!!!

  3. London bridge is falling down falling down falling down~ London bridge is falling down my fair lady~

    1. Paranoia


      Better get someone to fix it.

  4. YAY!!! I finished my Neku Cosplay~!

    1. Y.R.P.18


      ah awesome!! The first thing I thought when I saw him was that he would make an awesome cosplay! x)

    2. Rob



  5. Ill just sit here and watch you~

  6. MONSTER! How should I feel........

  7. Alex looked over at Usagi and nods. "yea that will work" He said softly taking it from her. "lets go find everyone now" Akane's hands turn into fists and she yelled at card soulders to go find Alex. "DUM!!!" Dee yelled running over to him and kneeld down by him. He glared up at ace.

  9. wow....its been a while since iv been on here....

  10. Going to the mall tomorrow as Izaya Orihara~!!!

  11. Alex looked at the wepons. "he tought me how to use a sward" He said looking for one. Akane's face has a slight red to it as she was angrey. "the Humans back!" She yelled at Ace. Dee suddenly felt that there was hope again. "humans back~"
  12. "wah-" Alex feelt her pull him in the other direction. He could feels himself geting nervous. He didnt want to fight this thing but knew he had to. Dee held his gun to his side but couldent move. He did t want to ge his brother killed. Akane looked very angrey "this cant be why is he back!!!!!!" She yelled amd walked back into the castle amd told some cards to go fine he boy. The solders took off running out of the castle to look for alex.
  13. "Abbys...what...!?" She thought to herself and then looked around as her eyes widend. She tryed to make her key apper. "come on...come one! i really need you this time!" She was panicking a little.
  14. "AH-" She puts her hand over her cut. "master?" She glansed around a little looking for a way out of this death trap. She looked at her hand at the blood. "its just blood...ignor it.."
  15. "hes not my boyfriend....." She says to it. "and i dont see why you would want someone like me gone......i cant even use the stupid key..."
  16. Chie's eyes widend and looked at his body. "ah......" She backs up and looks at it. "what....do you want...?" Chie's voice sounds shaky as he feels her back hit a wall. "crap.....what do i do....?"
  17. Chie backed up more. "J-Jason....?" She looked kinda freaked out. "what the hell!?"
  18. Chie jumped back a little and looked at him. "what....no one asked you to so your complaning for no reason" She said with her arms crosed.
  19. Alex out on the clothes as fast as he could as she ran over to the door and opend it. He ran out and then looked around. 'where is everyone?" He takes off running trying to find someone. Dee froze up and looked at Ace and his brother. "no.......stop....." Akane had a smile on her face and then it vanished as she looked around a little. "no.....this cant be....." She could tell something was off again.
  20. Alex cought the bottle and drank some and started to shrink like befor. **Wonderland** Boris sat on a tree and watched it fly by with Ayano. "this cant be good...." Akane noded. "yes....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!" "no you leave my brother alone!!!" He shoots his gun at ace.
  21. Ai looked down. "oh...i should have listend...im sorry.....they just make me angrey....." She said and sat down in the sand. "you protected me from my kind....i want to do the same....." She said and blushes a little.
  22. *spins around in chair*

    1. Kirie


      Doesn't that make you dizzy? =o

    2. Pandora2721


      yea....only if i do it to much haha

    3. Kirie


      I did that once...and ended up barfing xD

  23. Ai continued to slash them appart. "why....." She said to herslef as she killed off the rest of them and then made her keyblade apper and then put her hands on her knees and tryed to catch her breath. She looked over at Shadow. "your ok....right?" She asked him and walked over to him.
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