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Everything posted by Pandora2721

  1. As you go your way, and i go mine...Our light will shine, and it will be me.

    1. Kirie


      is that some kind of quote?

    2. Pandora2721


      Yes, its from a poem.


    3. Kirie


      very poetic :3

  2. Humpty Dumpty...I reject you.

    1. Javelin434


      All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty's broken heart back together again...

    2. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      ...Humpty Dumptyx then. If he broke his heart which couldnt be put together agian.

    3. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Humpty Dumpty was a cannon. He was mounted on the city walls but when he fell, he was too heavy, and to far away from his original place to put back.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  3. I'm gunna pop some tags. Only got 20$ in my pocket. I-i-im hunttin lookin for a dolla. This is ****ing awesome~!

  4. I'm gunna pop some tags. Only got 20$ in my pocket. I-i-im hunttin lookin for a dolla. This is ****ing awesome~!

  5. ..............................

  6. Bro day! Everyday!

  7. Bro day! Everyday!

  8. Now your gone! I realize my love for you was strong and i miss you here now your gone!

  9. *rolls around on the ground*

  10. *sits in corner rocking back and forth*

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Awesome! 8D

      *sits in the corner* Here. Take this brownie :3

    2. Pandora2721


      *smiles and takes it* thanks! *noms on it*

    3. Pandora2721


      *smiles and takes it* thanks! *noms on it*

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  11. Merry Christmas~!

    1. Weiss


      Merry Christmas to you too! :D

      Hope you have a great one!

  12. But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo!!!.....What the hell am I doing here!?.....I don't belong here....

  13. Germany! Germany! Germany is a really, really nice place~!

  14. All the world needs is me....I got my values....So you can keep yours, alright?

  15. Finaly started playing KH 3D haha ^^""""

    1. Weiss
    2. VanitasisKirby


      :O Congrats!


      Have fun playing it~ *Don't forget about MeowWow/shot*

  16. I'v relized that all of the good friends i had on here never come on anymore.......D: Its so silent when i con on here now......*stays in dark corner*

    1. Zola


      A few people have been saying that lately. Kind of makes me feel bad...

    2. Yang


      That's why you gotta keep making new friends, and then you won't feel lonely.

    3. King Riku

      King Riku

      ^That's what I did. Now I have the two best friends ever^^

  17. Yay! Surgery is done~!

    1. Kirie


      wat surgery?

    2. Pandora2721


      I had surgery on my knee because I riped my tenden.

    3. Kirie
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