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Everything posted by Pandora2721

  1. Axel looked at the dork that was on the ground still laughing. "burn!" Axel yelled throwing fire at Demyx. Roxas yelled and got onto the bed which seemed to be the safest place to be. He shook his head. "nope he did that all on his own"
  2. Axel walked past the door and then stopped seeing Demyx on the ground and the hand cuffs in Roxas' hand. "what the hell is this!?" He looked at the two. Roxas froze up. "nothing its nothing!" He threw them onto the ground. "ehhhh...." Xemnas looked at the blue haired girl. "you can and you will be like this till i say i want you to be turned back" He said.
  3. Xemnas looked back at the other running after him. "i do not have to do anything" He said and continued to walk down the hall. "ummm" Roxas glanced around more. "Axel...." He said under his breath hoping he didnt hear that.
  4. Xemnes stopped in the hall and looked at the new Saix and blinked. "you look good like that Saix" He said before starting to walk again. Roxas looked over at him. "AH NO!" He ran over and took them out of Demyx's hands. "they were a gift...." He said his face pink.
  5. Roxas glanced around his room. "umm nothing really...." Axel looked down the hall hearing the scream and felt himself get hit in the face by Xemnas before he started to walk down the hall.
  6. "hummm....looks like we have to find something to do in here then" He said. Axel was walking down the hall and saw the Xemnas. "hey Boss Man" He said with a cocky smile. Xemnas looked at the read head. "wipe that smirk off you face!!!!!"
  7. Roxas got up and then peeked over his shoulder. "i dont either, do you think its safe?" Xemnas watched him leave and then grumbled to himself putting the glass in the sink and making his way back to his room.
  8. Roxas peeked out and looked over at Demyx. "i hope so....." He said holding onto the sheets on the bed tight. "oh are you angry because you didnt get what you wanted last night?" He said looking at the other. "your being such a baby about this, im not going to give it to you every night" He said drinking from the glass.
  9. Roxas hid under the covers of the bed. "......no where is safe...." Xemnas looked at the other in the room with him. "where do you think your going?" He said in an angry crabby voice.
  10. "i hope" Roxas said looking at Demyx. "oh no....its not safe to go out there though!!" Axel was walking down the hall and looked around. "someone is in a bad mood" He said to himself. Xemnas looked at Luxord. "get off the damn ground!" He said walking onto the kitchen and looked at Saix before getting a glass of milk.
  11. Roxas hugged onto Demyx scared. "ehhh......what did we do...." Namine jumped a little at the loud voice and then held onto the mans hand. "y-yes i agree" She said. Xemnas was walking down the hall, a dark ora of anger around him.
  12. Roxas looked at him. "AHHH!!!" Roxas looked around and then looked at Demyx. "DEMYX YOUR THE ONE WHO CAN USE WATTER!!" Namine smiled as she hugged him back. "hehe~" Xemnas woke up and then grumbled. "...." He walked out of his room and then looked around. "EVERYONE NEEDS TO SHUT UP!!!!!"
  13. Since Echo and I are in the same room and we kinda came back on this web sight at the same time....so yea im back as well.
  14. Larxene was in the middle of getting dressed, all she had on was her pants and a bra on. She looked over hearing the door opened and the annoying voice of Demyx's. She looked at him with a death glare. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, the hole castle was sure to hear it. She sent lightning down onto Demyx. Roxas' eyes got big as he backed away. "ep..." He was shaking. "ill meet you in my room Demyx!" Roxas said running down the hall. Namine heard the pinked haired man yell. She walked out of the room, her hair still half braided. She ran over to him. "hey its ok, we can always get new ones" She said with a cute smile.
  15. Roxas looked at Demyx and smiled. "ok!" Axel ducked down dogging the claymore that was falying at his head. "nice try~" He said with a laugh and went into his room.
  16. Roxas looked at Demyx. "i think we should go find a safe place to hide" He said looking down the hall to make sure no one was coming. Axel watched as the drunk hit a few mote walls and started to laugh his ass off. "oh this is too good~" He said looking at Saix. "calm your blue hair, geez" He said walking out of the kitchen.
  17. My Vulcan senses are tingling.

  18. Live long and prosper.

  19. I passed my drivers test!!!!! WOOO!!!!!

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